Adult Bullying: Is It Really a Thing?

Adult bullying can wreak havoc on your mental well-being!

Even though many believe that bullying only happens throughout our younger years, the truth is that it doesn’t always stop once we grow up. The fact is that almost one in three adults report being bullied, with 43% feeling that adult bullying has become a more permissible behavior.

What’s more, a survey found that 31% of Americans have been bullied as an adult. Making it an unacceptable behavior is vital since bullying can have damaging effects… even for those doing the bullying. That’s why Detangle Love has decided to clarify what an adult bully ACTUALLY is and identify the different types.

I’ll also talk about the mental health effects of adult bullying, followed by ways to deal with bullying as a victim, bystander, or even as a perpetrator who wants to stop engaging in this type of harmful behavior.

Adult Bullying
Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

So, what EXACTLY is adult bullying?

Just picture it: You’re scrolling through Facebook only to find a barrage of hateful comments on your latest post. Or maybe you’re at work, minding your own business, when suddenly your colleague Dan starts criticizing your every move… loudly and publicly!

Well, congratulations! You’ve just experienced adult bullying in its natural habitat. Adult bullying, at its core, is any repeated, destructive behavior that seeks to humiliate, intimidate, or control others. It’s abusive behavior: And unlike childhood bullying, which often involves physical attacks, adult bullying tends to be more psychological, subtle, and emotionally manipulative.

But how common is this situation? Well, buckle up, folks, because the numbers might surprise you. Studies show that up to 30% of adults have encountered bullying in the workplace alone. That’s right, nearly one in three of us have dealt with a grown-up bully at some point in our lives. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when we consider bullying in other areas of our adult life.

There’s more than one type of adult bullying

Adult bullying isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of situation. Sadly, it has more varieties than a box of assorted chocolates… Only, considerably less sweet. So let’s break it down:


Now that we’re living in the 21st century, bullying has gone digital. Cyberbullying can take many shapes and forms, from hurtful comments on social media to full-blown online harassment crusades. It’s like traditional bullying times 100, with the added so-called “bonus” of potentially reaching a global audience.

Physical bullying

Even though it might be less common in adults, physical bullying still exists. It’s not just about throwing a punch or two. It can be any form of physical aggression or intimidation. Think of the neighbor who “accidentally” bumps into you every time you pass them or the coworker who stands too close all the time, invading your personal space.

Verbal bullying

Remember that old saying from when you were younger, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? Yeah, in reality, that’s a load of nonsense. Verbal bullying can cut deeper than any physical wounds ever would.

It’s the art of using words to attack, belittle, and humiliate others. Think about Sally from accounting, who never misses a chance to point out your mistakes in front of the office. Or Uncle Jack, who loves to “joke” about your big belly at every family gathering. That’s verbal bullying at its best, folks.

Relational bullying

This is where things get a little bit more murky. Relational bullying is all about manipulating social relationships to exclude and isolate the victim. It’s the community group that suddenly goes quiet when you try to join the conversation or the office clique that “forgot” to invite you to lunch.

Where do adult bullies feel most at home?

Adult bullies can be compared to cockroaches. They can prevail in almost any kind of environment. But there are a few places where they tend to prosper:

Community and social groups

Remember all those horrible cliques in high school? Well, guess what? They never really go away. Community and social group bullying can manifest in religious groups, neighborhood associations, or even your local book club. Sadly, it’s all about social hierarchies and power dynamics.

Family and relationships

You’d think that family and love would be a refuge from bullying. But sadly, that’s not always the case. Family bullies can range from the manipulative sibling to the controlling spouse. And the sad truth is that it’s a special kind of pain when the ones who are supposed to love you the most become your tormentors.

The workplace

Most workplaces are perfect breeding grounds for adult bullies. From bosses who micromanage and over-criticize their employees to coworkers who undermine each other’s actions, workplace bullying can turn your 9-to-5 into a living nightmare.

Online platforms

The internet can be a wonderful place, full of hilarious dog videos and instant knowledge. But it can also be a cesspool of toxic vibes. And the reality is that online platforms provide the perfect cover for bullies to attack from behind the safety of their computer screens.

Adult Bullying
Photo by Prostock-studio at Shutterstock

Fighting Back: Addressing and preventing adult bullying

Alright, enough defeat and despair. Let’s talk about solutions and taking action. How do we eliminate this grown-up playground situation?

Recognize the signs

The first step in addressing adult bullying is recognizing that it’s happening to you. It’s not always as apparent as a stolen lunch. Look for patterns of behavior that leave you feeling intimidated, belittled, or excluded.

Build a culture of respect

On a more general level, we need to work on fostering a culture of empathy and respect. This means calling out bullying behavior when we see it, even when it isn’t directed at us.

Stand your ground

When dealing with adult bullying, it’s essential to set some clear boundaries. This doesn’t mean stooping to their immature level but calmly and firmly asserting your rights. It’s all about stopping harmful behavior in its tracks.

Seek support

You don’t have to go through this alone. Reach out to family, friends, or professionals for help. Many communities and workplaces have resources to help you deal with bullying behavior.

Document everything

Make sure you document every incident if you’re dealing with a bully, especially in regards to a professional setting. The times, dates, and what transpired all matter if you need to escalate the issue.

Use legal measures if it comes to it

Don’t be afraid to use institutional or legal measures in extreme cases. Many forms of adult bullying are illegal, especially in regard to the workplace.

Adult Bullying
Photo by Black Salmon at Shutterstock

Detangle Love’s final thoughts

Standing up to adult bullying isn’t just about dealing with individual bullies. It should be about changing our collective culture. We must promote empathy, emotional intelligence, and conflict-resolution skills into adulthood. For those who have been bullied, you should know that healing is possible.

It might be a journey, but with self-compassion and some support, you can overcome the negative effects. In conclusion, adult bullying is a complicated issue that requires action, awareness, and compassion to handle.

By understanding its many forms, recognizing its influence, and actively working to stop it, we can create healthier and happier communities for everyone involved. After all, isn’t it time we all grew up and left the playground behind?

Have you ever been the victim of adult bullying? Please fell free to share your thoughts with us below. And if you found this article helpful, we also recommend: Being Disliked for No Reason: 7 Ways to Handle It

You can also find a fantastic read on Amazon regarding this matter: Our New World of Adult Bullies: How to Spot Them ― How to Stop Them

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