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8 Signs You’re a Classy Woman Who Attracts Men

Do you consider yourself a classy woman?

Many people think a classy woman always looks polished, has makeup on, nails and hair done, and has a fabulous outfit. However, there’s a big difference between looking high-class and being chic. The thing that sets these two apart is behavior. Just wearing designer clothes and heels doesn’t make a woman posh.

Experts say that a classy woman is genuine, respectful, gracious, knows how to react in every situation, and is confident (or at least she pretends so). Since we all want to be perceived as attractive, especially to the other gender, we talked to relationship experts about what makes men drawn to women. And ladies, here’s the tea: it doesn’t have anything to do with looks!

If you want to discover what are the traits that make you a classy woman who attracts men keep reading!

classy woman
Photo by Prostock-studio from

1. Confidence

A classy woman is confident, and she knows her worth. While many people assume being confident means being arrogant or believing you’re better than anyone else, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

It’s about recognizing your worth, your judgment, and your abilities. You know who you are, good and bad, and while you accept yourself just as you are, you always strive for the best. A confident woman is sure of herself without thinking she’s better than others. She doesn’t need external validation to feel good because she knows herself, and that’s enough.

What’s more, a classy woman is so sure of her capabilities that criticism and negative comments don’t make her feel bad. As you probably know, confidence is quiet, while insecurities are loud.

2. Emotional intelligence

Did you know that emotional intelligence is another attribute of a classy woman? It involves more than just being aware of your own feelings. It’s about identifying and understanding other people’s emotions and employing this knowledge to successfully negotiate social situations.

This quality is very useful in relationships, including the one with yourself. You understand how you feel and why, and you know how to deal with this. For instance, if you and your partner get into a fight, you can think of the facts and the emotional reasons that made each one of you react in a particular way.

This way, it’s easier for you to conduct the discussion, put an end to a fight, and conclude in a nice way that doesn’t hurt anybody.

3. Integrity

A truly classy woman is honest beyond all else. She constantly upholds a high moral and ethical standard and is reliable. Even in tough or awkward situations, she sticks to her moral convictions.

She’s trustworthy and honors her commitments. According to experts, the basis of classiness is integrity. It’s about acting morally even when no one else is around. A truly elegant woman is aware of this and embodies it daily.

classy woman
Photo by – Yuri A from

4. Authenticity

Another trait of a classy woman is authenticity. A confident woman embraces her true self and doesn’t try to be someone she’s not. She’s confident in her identity and at ease with who she is. This quality is not about bragging or making an effort to impress others with one’s accomplishments or material goods. It’s about putting oneself out there with no filters, just being genuine and honest.

Think of Audrey Hepburn, for instance. She was always authentic, genuine, calm, and lovely, and men were always drawn to her. If you want to make your partner crazy about you, never waver from your ideals and beliefs. But keep in mind that being honest means living it out in both your words and deeds.

5. Graciousness

Another distinguishing feature of a truly classy woman is her graciousness, which is the state of being kind, polite, and generous. In the animal kingdom, bonobo apes are known for their kind disposition. Even in our matriarchal culture, where women occupy key roles, they don’t abuse their authority by subjugating or controlling others. Rather, they are renowned for their giving nature, which makes them unique.

This is the way very elegant women behave. They don’t denigrate others because of their standing or status. Rather, they show compassion and kindness to everyone around them, frequently going above and beyond to ensure that others are at ease and feel valued.

Of course, don’t assume that you need to sacrifice your space and your peace to make other people feel good. Fill your cup first, and then you can go around and fill other people’s cups as well. But we’ll talk more about this in a few seconds.

To sum up the conversation about graciousness, being gracious is more than just being polite; it’s about genuinely being nice and considerate towards others.

classy woman
Photo by Nomad_Soul from

6. Putting yourself first

As we’ve previously discussed, taking care of your needs first before anyone else’s isn’t egoistic, but perfectly normal. You can’t help someone and be there for them when you know you’re running on a low battery.

Unfortunately, women were taught to put everyone’s needs before their own, but that only triggers frustrations, insecurities, and burnout. Take some time for yourself and think about everything that makes you happy. Schedule those things in your routine and treat yourself as a priority.

Accept challenges, show up for yourself, and always be confident in your decisions. These actions will enhance your self-love and happiness, and when you’re happy and feel taken care of, you can then go ahead and show up for those you love as well.

7. Respect

Another classy woman trait that men are crazy about is respect. It might seem weird to put this heading here since we all show others how much we respect them, but let’s dive a little deeper.

Someone who respects someone won’t treat them differently based on their career, social standing, background, or education. This person will speak nicely, maintain eye contact, have a positive attitude, won’t interrupt, and make everyone feel safe, valued, heard, and seen. Do you do these things? I have to admit, I don’t.

At the end of the day, a classy woman or man isn’t only appreciated for their success but also for how they treat people along the way.

8. Resilience

The quality of resilience is what distinguishes a truly elegant woman. After all, who doesn’t admire someone strong and graceful in the face of adversity? Unfortunately, life isn’t always easy and is full of ups and downs. But a classy woman refuses to be defeated by misfortune. She takes on obstacles head-on, grows from her errors, and overcomes them.

A strong lady like this understands that obstacles are chances to improve and get new insights rather than setbacks. Her ability to bounce back from adversity demonstrates her inner strength and solidifies her sophistication.

Besides making you more attractive, being resilient will also help you be happier and stronger. Always seeing the bright side rather than feeling like the unluckiest woman in the world will only do you good.

If you want to know more about all the traits that make you a classy woman, here’s a fantastic book for you! Did you find this article helpful? Let us know in the comments below! If you enjoyed reading this article and you’d like to read something else from Detangle Love, here’s a good post for you: 7 Things Men Want but Won’t Tell You About

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