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Controlling Woman Red Flags: 7 Key Indicators of a Manipulating Personality

Watch out for these controlling woman red flags!

A controlling significant other may not always be easy to spot. While some can act overtly menacing, others may resort to subtle manipulation tactics to “keep you in check.”

When a woman feels vulnerable but doesn’t want to and doesn’t have the ability to process her emotions, she could try controlling the situation by controlling her partner. She might be afraid of being betrayed or abandoned, or she could just be a narcissist.

Whatever the reason that causes her to act this way, it’s not healthy behavior. What can you do about it when you see some controlling woman red flags?

Even though the control may be apparent when your partner specifically asks you to behave in certain ways, some manipulation tactics and subtler controlling ways might confuse or even overwhelm you.

Here’s everything you need to know about living with a woman who behaves this way!

Controlling Woman Red Flag
Photo by Nicoleta Ionescu at Shutterstock

Controlling woman red flag: She’s embarrassed by you

When you’re around her friends or family, she demands that you act a certain way, which is one of the biggest signs of a controlling woman. She always gives specific instructions on behaving in public and around others.

All YOU want is to be yourself, and maybe you crack a few jokes here and there, but she never finds it funny and looks at you as if you’ll definitely hear about it when you get home. Sure, if you act inappropriately, it might make sense.

But still, it would help your relationship if you were more important to her than what others would think. In the long run, it makes you lose your self-esteem because you’ll feel like she’s embarrassed by you, which is never okay.

Controlling woman red flag: She tries to keep you from your loved ones

She might complain when you want to spend time with a friend or family member. The reality is that this doesn’t have to be another sign of a controlling woman, especially if the problem is that you have female friends.

She could just feel a bit insecure, jealous, or neglected when you spend a considerable amount of time with someone else. Yet, it’s a huge red flag if she tries separating you from everyone you care about.

This happens if she starts telling you who you can and can’t spend your time with. She could tell you she doesn’t like one of your chums and you shouldn’t hang out with them anymore.

Or maybe it’s that you rely on a member of your family for support, and she tries to cut them out of your life. If she does any of these things, she wants to make it easier for her to control you. Who will you complain to about her if she sequesters you from everyone?

Of course, you should be aware that many people distance themselves from friends and family when they’re in a relationship. But, if she makes you do that against your will, it’s a tell-tale sign that this person isn’t right for you.

Controlling woman red flag: She HAS to make all the decisions

If your partner decides ABSOLUTELY everything for you, she’s controlling you. She decides what cologne you use, what clothes you wear, and what you can or can’t buy. She’s even taken control of your finances and won’t allow you to spend money on what you want.

Of course, many men want women to be a part of these types of decisions. For example, maybe you want her input about fashion and looking your best. Naturally, you could ask your partner whether buying something expensive is okay when you’re on a tight budget.

Yet, if she makes all the decisions for you and takes complete control over your life, she may be manipulating you.

Controlling Woman Red Flag
Photo by – Yuri A at Shutterstock

Controlling woman red flag: She makes you feel guilty all the time

Whenever anything wrong happens, you’re the person to blame for it. Without even having any actual proof, she always mentions that you’re guilty of everything that goes wrong in your lives. This indicates that you’re with a controlling woman who wants to manipulate you.

Do you know about that dreaded guilt trip some mothers use? It’s a very unhealthy tool that makes you do anything so you stop feeling guilty.

You’re constantly feeling like you must wash all your sins away, and you ultimately start behaving like a different person. Guilt trips are a manipulation tactic that controlling women often use, and it shouldn’t be tolerated.

Controlling woman red flag: She uses emotional blackmail to get her way

Does your partner try to manipulate you without you even knowing it? She could be using emotional blackmail to get her way. She could even use tears, anger, imploring requests, or puppy dog eyes in an effort to get what she wants.

Lots of people use at least one of these things to get you to do something but without the intention of trying to trick you. What does this look like? If she makes it obvious, does it jokingly or teasingly, it could just be her way of acting playful.

Yet, if she doesn’t clarify that she’s doing it, she’s controlling you. These manipulation tactics are signs of a controlling woman.

Controlling woman red flag: She’s always jealous for no reason

You’re not allowed to interact with any other women. She sees them all as potential threats and reacts wildly to you speaking or looking at them.

Maybe you were texting with a friend that’s a female who used to be a colleague, and it made her extremely jealous, or she accused you of cheating when a random person liked your picture on Social Media.

She instantly made you convince her that you’re not hiding something or cheating on her. You may not have been flirting with this woman. After all, you were simply having a normal conversation.

Maybe she even goes so far as to force you to admit that you had been unfaithful even though you did nothing wrong. All this could indicate that she feels insecure, doesn’t trust you, or has been cheated on in the past.

In any case, she’s definitely trying to control you. You need to help her overcome this or end the relationship because you won’t be able to maintain living like this forever.

For more about controlling woman red flags, check out: The Manipulation Bible: The Dark Side of Communication

Controlling Woman Red Flag
Photo by Mladen Mitrinovic at Shutterstock

Controlling woman red flag: She wants you to do everything yet NEVER does anything for you

Can you remember the last time she did something nice for you? Is it always about her… her desires and wishes, never yours? She anticipates that you’ll do everything for her, but she never does anything nice for you.

You may feel like you’re giving your all and getting nothing in return. This isn’t okay, and a relationship without mutuality is doomed to go under. Besides, everybody deserves to be treated with kindness.

If she constantly criticizes you, it doesn’t matter what you do because she always finds something to complain about. Everyone criticizes each other to some extent, and it can even be a positive thing.

Yet, there’s a difference between constructive criticism and making you feel undervalued. If she constantly bashes you and it makes you feel like you’re never good enough, it’s not healthy.

You should speak to her about it and make her understand that she’ll push you away if it keeps happening.

We hope you found this article on controlling woman red flags informative. Be sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

And if you wish to read more articles like this, we highly recommend also reading: 5 Relationship Warning Signs of a Dead-End, According to Psychology

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