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First Date Over 50? Here’s Your Ultimate Do’s and Don’ts Guide!

Preparing for the first date? These tips can help you!

Finding love and dating are not only for young people. If you feel like giving another chance to love but you don’t feel in the best shape, then these tips might help you.

After you’ve been out of the dating scene for years, you might be a little bit unsure about the new “rules” of dating; navigating relationships is not that tricky. “What do you talk about? Who should pay the bill? Is it okay to discuss past relationships?” These are all questions that many of us have but are too afraid to ask.

But don’t lose your hope! Dating can be a rewarding experience at any age. The key is to approach it with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. Be yourself, because authenticity is attractive to anyone.

But there are also some things you want to avoid doing on your first date, and we are here to tell you more about them. So, keep reading and get ready to dip your toe back into the dating pool.

Let’s start with the do’s!

first date
Photo by Jacob Lundfrom Shutterstock

1. Keep the first date short

Maybe going on a first date can be quite intimidating, especially after a long pause, but there is one thing you can do to make everything better: keep the dates short. Limiting your first few dates to around two hours can make a significant difference in how enjoyable and successful they are, and this is not something that we say but a reality presented by experts.

First dates can be pretty exciting, but what makes people so afraid of them is the fact that they can also be nerve-wracking. The two people who are involved will be on their best behavior while also trying to find out as much as they can about one another.

But why two hours and not more or less? After about two hours, our brains start to focus on the negative aspects, and this can easily ruin a perfect first date. This shift can lead to unnecessary overthinking or creating a less enjoyable atmosphere, especially when most of the time these negative aspects are not real and just the product of the mentioned overthinking.

2. Be confident

When it comes to dating, being confident and upbeat is a game changer. This is especially true for seniors who have reentered the dating scene after years of absence. People can feel your energy, and this feel-good attitude may positively influence your dating success.

Dating experts call this a mindset of “eternal hope. This is the belief that each date will be a success because love is already there and is just a matter of time. It’s a matter of when, not if.

Having this attitude helps you stay open to new possibilities, even if you’ve faced disappointments in the past. We think that this is essential, especially for a first date. This is your opportunity to meet a new person, not a daunting activity.

One easy way to boost your confidence is to dress nice. Dress to impress! This is a thing, and it can make you feel like the world is yours. When you put effort into the way you look, you don’t do this only for the first date but also for yourself.

3. Be honest

How can you build a trusting relationship if you are not honest? Transparency is incredibly important on a first date. If this is missing, then the chances of having another date are lower, as are the chances of having a healthy relationship.

First of all, you can start with your age and the photos you are sharing on your online profiles. Misrepresenting yourself might seem tempting, using some photos since you were younger, or lying about your age, but in the end, all of these things can lead to bigger issues down the road.

Mistrust and distrust are not things you want to bring into your new relationship, and because of this, honesty is crucial. If you break that trust early on by being deceptive, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to rebuild it later.

Also, your honesty will attract the right people, so why not present yourself truthfully and truly connect with your new date?

Ok, now you know what to do on a first date, but what about what to not do? Read on and find out about some of the main don’ts!

4. Don’t create obstacles

This is something that happens pretty often, especially for seniors who give dating a second chance. These obstacles are limiting your chances of meeting new people, and a smaller dating pool is not the most desirable thing.

Once we age, we’ll have higher standards, and we’ll not let anyone become a part of our lives. These standards are not bad, and they help us find a person who is more suitable for us, but try not to become stuck on superficial things such as height, location, or specific hobbies.

Focus more on core values rather than surface-level traits. If you find someone who has the same core values as you but doesn’t check all the boxes on your list, give them a chance. You can never know what kind of person someone is if you don’t give them a chance.

5. Don’t worry about “the spark”

Let’s be honest, a meaningful and lasting connection between two people needs time. Is not something you build on a first date, but a thing you build over the years. Now, you don’t need to spend years together with the wrong person because you are trying to build a connection; this is not what we are trying to say.

But if you don’t feel like you are meant for one another from the first date, you can still go on a second date and see what’s going on. Maybe they had a bad day, and this affected their ability to communicate with you. We all have our separate lives, and many things are happening.

You can try to create a sense of emotional intimacy by eliminating the physical factor from your first date. How are you doing this, you might ask? Well, a Zoom or FaceTime call is perfect for this!

It might sound weird, but this is a good method that was also tested by many dating coaches. Without the immediate distraction of physical attraction or chemistry, individuals may be more inclined to focus on emotional and intellectual compatibility.

Then, if you get along well, you need to give the relationship time to grow. Going on multiple dates before making any judgments is the perfect way to approach a potential relationship.

first date
Photo by Song_about_summer Shutterstock

6. Putting yourself in danger

Sometimes dating can get dangerous, especially in the beginning when you don’t know the person. Because of this, there are some things you can do to avoid getting yourself into unexpected and potentially dangerous situations.

First of all, try not to share your last name on your first date. There is a high chance of you not feeling comfortable with that person, so why risk it? They don’t need your last name to know you better.

Also, giving your phone number is also not recommended. What you can do is use a Google Voice number specifically for dating. This will be a separate phone number that will forward all the calls and texts to your real phone number.

When meeting your future date, always do this in public. Experts recommend choosing familiar, public places such as coffee shops, restaurants, or parks. This offers you a safer environment, lowering the risk of unwanted behaviors.

If you want to learn more about this topic, this is an amazing book that has all the info you need: Secrets of Dating After Fifty: The Insider’s Guide to Finding Love Again 

You should also read: 5 Relationship Warning Signs of a Dead-End, According to Psychology

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