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Zodiac Signs That Will Cheat on You With Your Friend

Sometimes the zodiac sign of the person can tell us a lot about their personality!

Cheating and promiscuity in general is something that people are not up for discussing. Add in zodiac signs, and then a lot of people are bound to stop listening to anything you may have to say.

Despite some people’s distaste for astrology and zodiac signs, it seems like the asters have a lot to say about people’s personalities, and it looks like a chance for promiscuity is also hidden in between these traits!

Sure, something as important as trust-breaking like cheating cannot be predicted by the likes of zodiac signs, since everyone has a lot of reasons or ways to justify what they are doing to their committed partner.

We cannot be either judge or executioner, but one thing is true: there is more than meets the eye with these types of situations.

Whether or not someone is more prone to cheating than others is shaped by their past actions, motivations, and even cultural experiences and attachment styles.

However, some things are part of the personality of certain zodiac signs that could mean they are more prone to gravitate towards having more partners and even make them inclined to cheat.

Does this mean that all people under a zodiac sign are prone to cheating? Not at all, but if you are curious and want to know what to be careful of, you should keep on reading.

This list may just end up explaining certain signs you have seen if you have been cheated on or explain the actions of certain people around you!

Do you believe in zodiac signs? Are there things you thought were unexplainable that suddenly became clearer when you looked at astrology? Share your thoughts in the comments!

zodiac signs
Image By Tero Vesalainen From Shutterstock


Some people think that people cheat because they are bored with their partners and that they are looking for more variety and excitement in their lives. However, in the case of these zodiac signs, it is not exactly black and white.

Scorpios can end up stinging, and you do not want to cross one, but under all those protective layers and fences lays a hopeless romantic. So when it comes to cheating, it is not about boredom but rather about being afraid of failure.

Once you have earned their trust, you will see a true romantic with a soft, squishy heart that gives you their total trust and complete loyalty.

However, it is hard for Scorpios to end up at this point. They may not be straying because they are missing the thrill, but rather because they do not want to have their heart broken.

They love to be in charge, and for them, vulnerability is scary, so they may end up doing things in order to “protect” their hearts, even if it means breaking someone else’s in the process.


Sagittarius, who is characterized by their love for adventure and travel, is one of the zodiac signs that would end up cheating just because they are not fulfilled in the bedroom anymore.

Obviously, this is not the way to go about it, but it can be that when these zodiac signs end up being bored with their bedroom life, they will end up trying to find more exciting adventures between someone else’s sheets.

This does not mean that they no longer love their partner, but rather that they are feeling wronged in the bedroom department.

One way to make sure your Sag is not going to stray is to upkeep excitement and high intimacy in your bedroom activities, no matter if you are going all the way every time or not!

zodiac signs
Image By Halytskyi Olexandr From Shutterstock


Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) end up being associated with the likes of being grounded, but many forget that they do have a huge fire element in their personalities as well (which includes traits like aggressiveness and stubbornness).

When it comes to Taureans, it can be a hit or miss since they can end up cheating due to how hard-headed they can be. If they are calm, they are at their best, even being able to be described as zen.

However, it just takes a moment for them to either get into a mood or have someone wrong them for them to get fired up and annoyed. The thing to remember with Taureans is that they can easily start a wildfire if they want to, and they will not care much about putting it out.

This can mean that if they perceive you as wronging them, they can jump to conclusions and end up straying to other sheets just to pay you back.


Geminis are the zodiac sign that many are surprised to find out that they are attracted to people who are intelligent. The term for people who find someone else’s intelligence arousing is sapiose*xual.

This is not to say that everyone else they encounter in their life is dumb, but rather that this may be the reason why they may be prone to hitting up multiple people for bedroom activities, even when they are in a committed relationship.

Geminis may end up looking at people for a lot of reasons, not just intellectual stimulation, with many observing things like emotional support and physical magnetism, which are just some of the reasons they may start looking elsewhere.

It is easy to say that they are attracted to intelligence, but it could just very well be that they want to evolve and have their universe expanded upon.

And when these goals are not reached, they end up trying to find satisfaction somewhere else, even if it means that they are going to be ruining some relationships in the meantime.

zodiac signs
Image By Halytskyi Olexandr From Shutterstock


This zodiac sign has a unique outlook on life, and this can make them seek and crave both mental stimulation and freedom in their daily lives.

Furthermore, Aquarians are renowned for their expansive thinking and their pursuit of perfection, which makes it understandable why they may occasionally deviate.

What’s more, a lot of their partners can end up not realizing that they are getting boring for the Aquarian in their life, and this can lead to misunderstandings and a lot of issues in the long run.

If you want to make sure you do not drive an Aquarius to cheat, make sure you keep them entertained in the bedroom and that you fan their fire so that they never feel the need to find it somewhere else.


Pieces may be one of the most dual zodiac signs we have due to how complicated they can be when it comes to their love life.

Not only are they a romantic that is always dreaming about their perfect relationship, but they also have a sensual and wicked affinity that translates to their intimate life.

A lot of people end up describing pieces as ‘foxy lady wearing a halo’ and this can sometimes be the best way to visualize this duality between them being sensual but also hopeless romantics.

Pieces love to dream, but they also love to explore and be imaginative between the sheets. The best way to drive a piece away is to no longer show interest in their experimentation or to make them feel judged for wanting to try new things.

Since this can lead to them feeling unacknowledged and even unseen, they can be quick to find a new partner that will try to help them make their dreams come true.

Sure, you can discuss these things, especially if they are outside of your comfort zone, but never finding a middle ground will always be the way through which this zodiac sign will no longer be interested in staying loyal.

If you or someone you care about has been cheated on and you want to find out how to get over it, we recommend that you read Forgiving What You Can’t Forget. It has been instrumental in helping us move on from past, hurtful relationships!

The zodiac signs can tell us a lot about a person, even if you should not base your impression only on these things. However, there are certain traits that people cannot shake, and their signs can predetermine them. If you want to know more about which zodiac signs are more prone to lying to their partners, check out this article here!

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