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5 Relationship Stereotypes That Are NOT Okay

Have you ever wondered if these relationship stereotypes are okay?

The world is full of stereotypes, and when it comes to relationship stereotypes, there seems to be an abundance of them!

Not only are we prone to falling for these stereotypes, but we internalize them, and they can end up making us feel worse than we should.

A lot of people do not realize they fall victim to these relationship stereotypes that end up harming their relationship with their loved one or even soulmate, all because they have lent an ear to what everyone has to say instead of looking at what works best for them.

ng harmful, unhelpful, and downright toxic to most couples when most would have been just fine if they didn’t believe or try to adhere to these arbitrary rules made up by someone.

If you want to see what are the most problematic norms that have been ruining relationships since the dawn of the modern world, keep on reading.

We brought you the most common relationship stereotypes and analyzed them to see how they can impact an otherwise fulfilling, loving relationship!

Don’t let these stand in the way of your love!

relationship stereotypes
Image By Prostock-studio From Shutterstock

Love is the same as being controlling

One of the relationship stereotypes that have been spread around is that people being controlled is a sign of affection. However, someone trying to control you is a sign of an unhealthy dynamic that can point to relationships being dangerous as a whole.

This stereotype leads people to believe control is a form of commitment, jealousy is a way to show interest and affection, and manipulation is a show of love.

They are not trying to get you to change for your “own good” or because they “care about you,” but rather because they want to change your personality, hobbies, and way of being.

Being with people who accept this relationship stereotype as fact can end up making you change your behavior and negatively impact your self-esteem and sense of self.

What’s more, research into this has shown that controlling behaviors lead to the individual who is manipulated at a high risk of developing depression and anxiety.

Some of the controlling behaviors you should keep an eye out for include the likes of telling someone how they should dress or act all the time, not letting them see friends or family, disapproval or refusing to let the other do things by themselves, and “needing” to know the location of the person at all times.

In the worst cases, this type of controlling behavior is a red flag that can escalate into abusive tactics, including emotional, verbal, and physical abuse, and in all cases, it undermines someone else’s autonomy to make them dependent on the person who is controlling.

A true relationship should be a happy one built on interdependence, trust, and empowerment where the partners encourage and support one another, bringing comfort.

It makes partners seek to support and give strength to one another so that they both can grow and become their best selves without any limits and controlling behavior.

If you want to know how you can best recognize signs of being manipulated and controlled in a relationship, this book may be a good place to start.

relationship stereotypes
Image By – Yuri A From Shutterstock

Men desire intimacy way more than women

Another big relationship stereotype that most of us need to shake off is that men have a higher drive for intimate actions than women.

Not only can this one be problematic, but it can be hurtful and end up causing issues in your own relationship.

The reality of the matter is that everyone has different sexual drives, and they vary between people and genders.

Thinking that only men have a high drive not only makes people think that they are only motivated by this action and they cannot control themselves, but it also makes women sound passive and that they must be coerced into having relationships.

A lot of people end up having issues in their relationship since the woman ends up being more driven and active and the man is not as much, which leads to them feeling unwanted and sometimes even humiliated.

It’s better to keep in mind that everyone has different preferences, interests, drives, and desires and that no two relationships will look the same. Including yours! So talk to your partners!

If it’s not 50/50, then your relationship is doomed!

No imbalanced relationship is healthy, but this does not mean that this stereotype rings true.

Certain things cannot be divided in half, and all relationships are different, so having the 50/50 split mentality is going to end up detrimental to your connection.

It is easy to fall for this stereotype since it is the easiest way to think about things, yet a successful couple ends up working with the ebb and flow of life and they find out what works for their relationship.

Not two relationships will be the same, and not going by this stereotype helps with not putting pressure on yourself and your partner.

Maybe one of you is not good at some tasks but they’re better at another one; it would make sense to play to your strengths.

Likewise, you should also take into consideration the likes of work and life schedules, along with any other issues that could prevent someone from giving exactly 50%.

It’s all about communication, so do not fall for these false stereotypes!

relationship stereotypes
Image By – Yuri A From Shutterstock

You should ALWAYS share a bed with your partner.

This common belief sometimes may come from the time when people did not have that much space in their homes, and this stereotype has evolved over time to end up being an essential and integral part of a healthy relationship.

Do not get us wrong; sleeping with your partner is amazing, and if this is what works for you, then you do not have to pay mind to it.

However, this is not an arrangement that works for every couple, and when you hear about couples sleeping separately, you should not think that they are dysfunctional because of it.

Many couples end up sleeping separately due to different sleeping habits or difficulties, health conditions, and even work schedules.

A lot of people struggle with sleeping since they are light sleepers; being easily woken up and then struggling to fall asleep will make them less likely to share a bed with their partner. Likewise, some choose to sleep away due to conditions that may not let the other person sleep well.

Any reason why people choose to sleep separately is valid, and you should not believe they are in a less loving or passionate relationship!

Women should be more forgiving if their partners cheat.

You cannot have missed this ultra-common stereotype, which is that women should forgive their partners if they cheat, but if a woman cheats, the man should never take her back.

Cheating and infidelity are things that ruin relationships, and while a lot of us, regardless of gender, are inclined to never take that person back, every relationship is different.

With infidelity, trust is broken, and some couples choose to try to rebuild that trust and some do not, but media and popular culture have been telling us another story.

Women should be forgiving and take their partners back; a lot of the time they are told that men are “just like that” and that they should not take it to heart.

However, in the same instance, if a woman were to cheat, men are told to kick her to the curb that she’s not worth it.

This stereotype is wrong since every relationship is different and you should not tell someone arbitrarily what they should do.

One of the most common relationship stereotypes is that men do not have or should not show their feelings! If you feel like your partner is acting indifferent, do not assume it’s just because that’s just how things are. Discover what could be the reason for that behavior here!

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