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Zodiac Signs That Will Lie to You in a Relationship

Liars on the horizon! These are the zodiac signs that will lie to you in a relationship:  

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the biggest liar of them all? Everybody lies once in a while, and that isn’t that bad until it becomes a habit. Honesty is the key to building trust and fostering positive connections in the world of relationship building.

Nonetheless, some people could unwittingly or purposely become trapped in webs of lies. Though not because you should accept it (no one should have to put up with anything in a relationship they don’t want to), it’s important to consider the reasons behind every zodiac sign’s potential for lying to their partner. Knowing someone’s motivations before confronting them directly can help resolve conflicts.

You may learn a lot about your partner’s personality traits from astrology, including the reasons behind their knack for lying. But enough with the blah blah; these are the zodiac signs that will lie to you in a relationship.

zodiac signs that will lie
Photo by Halytskyi Olexandr from Shutterstock


I hope there aren’t many Capricorns around because astrologists say they are among the zodiac signs that will lie in a relationship just because they don’t want to seem weak in front of other people.

Despite their reputation for realism and ambition, Capricorns are prone to lying when driven by desire or greed. Capricorn is an Earth sign who has a strong thirst for material goods and physical pleasures. When these cravings become intense, people born under this sign may unconsciously start lying to their partners. Capricorns are encouraged to prioritize honesty as a fundamental principle and engage in conscious speaking practice to further develop this trait.

Furthermore, a Capricorn will start telling lies when they want their partner’s admiration regarding their life. We all know nobody is perfect, but it seems like the stubborn Capricorn must be more understanding, especially with themselves.


Leo lies less often than a Capricorn, it seems. However, they are still pretty high at the top of the least honest zodiac signs that will lie to you in a relationship because they hate seeing their ego destroyed.

Yes, they can be very loyal partners, and they expect you to do the same. That’s why they’re also very trustworthy people. Complicated eh? Although a relationship with a Leo can be very fulfilling, you will struggle to keep it afloat.

That job promotion they expected to get but they never did? Leo’s massive ego is easily hurt, and you can bet that they’ll tell lies to keep it intact. After all, they have an image to keep.


You may be surprised to know that Taurus is one of the zodiac signs that will lie to you in a relationship. But how is that possible since they were ranked as one of those who love being truthful? Well, they’re natural-born sugarcoaters. Taurus has a natural talent to soften the edges of reality and sugarcoat facts, making the truth more pleasant.

They put a lot of effort into avoiding letting the people they care about down, so when it does happen, they could lie somewhat or withhold information to make their spouse happy.

Are you new to astrology, but you’re curious enough to dig deeper into the subject? Then you have to check out this zodiac relationship guide. Finding a compatible companion who will complement oneself may be difficult for most individuals, as love is an extremely complex concept. If you began dating recently but haven’t found success with any phone app, perhaps it’s time to go past that and consider what the stars have to say about this. 

This guide will help you understand your sign better, learn how to attract a certain sign, find your best match, and many other tips. Plus, it’s only $6 on Amazon. And offer, you shouldn’t let go! 


There are several reasons why Gemini is a fantastic sign to have a great relationship with. They’re intelligent, easy to talk to, and a lot of fun to be around. Of course, you won’t believe they may also be among the liars of the zodiac, but let me disappoint you with the following lines.

However, the main goal, even when they tell a white lie, is to maintain harmony and get along with others. Astrologists explain that this is mostly because of their “double” personality; although they don’t lie deliberately, things always seem to fall into place when they tell an innocent lie.

Photo by Halytskyi Olexandr from Shutterstock


Hands in the air who met an honest Scorpio! While they are super committed to their relationship, they tend to be super discreet and private and have a bad reputation for that. They have a talent for tricking others into thinking they can’t lie, only to subsequently confess the truth.

They may lie for a variety of reasons, such as manipulation or self-defense. Scorpios have been known to tell lies to avoid injury or to ignite jealousy in others. Scorpios usually become more truthful and reliable once they have someone firmly in their midst. But until then… Scorpios tend to enjoy testing limits!


Libras live up to their name, and they enjoy seeing a relationship unfold peacefully without any conflict. Libras are willing to tell white lies to protect their peace if everything is smooth and without any fights. After all, how bad can it be to hear a white lie here and there if you both feel and look happy together?

It’s not something to normalize and live up to, because Libras must understand that being honest with your partner isn’t a bad thing, even if this might lead to a small conflict. You’re in this together, and if you are meant to be, then you will sort things out eventually.


The passionate lover of the zodiac is one of those who won’t feel guilty if they lie to you as long as their independence and freedom are protected. They seek a relationship with someone as excited about life and new experiences as they are, but at the same time, they also want their own space to be free to be themselves.

To successfully connect with a Sagittarius, you should both value independence and respect each other’s free time, finding happiness both individually and together. If you are more keen on doing things together as a couple, don’t count on Sagittarius. They need to roam free, and they will do whatever it takes to keep that way.

Bottom line:

While lying may be an inclination for the zodiac signs covered above, it’s vital to keep in mind that these are only broad generalizations. Each person is different, and many things might impact their behavior. In all of our relationships, we should try to encourage open and honest communication rather than judging or putting labels based only on a person’s zodiac sign.

If you sense that your partner is lying to you, it’s crucial to have a conversation about it. Learning how to address dishonesty in a relationship regardless of the zodiac sign is the key to a healthy and happy connection. And if they can’t talk openly about it…then perhaps you’re not a match.

Related article: Are You in a One-Sided Relationship? Look for These 11 Signs

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