Eye contact
Eye gazing and eye contact are two superpowers if you know how to decipher the meaning hiding behind them. When you’re alone with this person, do they keep eye contact with you longer than with any other person? If the person is making deep and extended eye contact with you, then it’s the best sign that you have the green light.
It means that they like you, they’re interested in you, and they want you, either romantically or as a friend. It has been discovered that eye contact triggers a particular hormone known as oxytocin, which helps us feel connected and bonded to the other person.
If they drop their gaze by “drawing” a pattern from their eyes to their chest, this practice is known as “intimate gazing”. There has been one experiment with various “Cassanova” pickup guys: they rather preferred going out with women with constricted pupils rather than dilated ones, which is exactly the opposite of most men.
Why is that? It seems that Cassanovas prefer nonliving people to those who are loving, as they are very aware of the fact that potential loving partners might become too clingy and obsessed with them.