5. He gets uncomfortable around happy couples
It is Friday, and you will soon meet with some of your good friends who are also your neighbors. You think that you and your spouse will have a lovely evening, and you are excited about that. But there is one thing there that keeps bugging you. The last time you met with these friends of yours, your husband wasn’t as excited as he used to be.
In the past, he was happy, and he always wanted you two to spend time with other couples, but now he seems kind of reluctant about the idea. One of the reasons this is happening is that he is not happy in the relationship anymore.
What can be more frustrating for someone who is not happy with their relationship than seeing happy couples? This scenario might make him feel frustrated and envious, and maybe that’s why he is not eager to spend time with other couples.
You need to be aware that this is one of the signs your spouse doesn’t love you, and maybe you should talk with him about what’s happening.
18 responses
Wow , Whoa
Other signs: Spouse would prefer to sit on a separate chair then on a couch together.
Spouse spends an inordinate amount of time talking to friends or family on the phone in
hushed tones.
Spouse seems to have a need to speak or eat meals with other people without you
Spouse wants to do more and more alone
Spouse wants to sleep in a separate bed for non-medical reasons
What if the roles are reversed? Are the feelings the same. Please let me know.
These aren’t signs he OR SHE doesn’t love you anymore! These are signed you’ve been married for quite awhile and need not be fake or worried that your spouse is even questioning something so stupid. Please grow up, this teen age gossips articles are even below your publication.
what about the HER signs this doesn’t just work one way?
Why is it ALWAYS HE??????
STOP making things like this all about the man! The woman plays a huge role in keeping the love, relationship, and romance alive and well! What role does the woman play in driving her spouse away…that is a better question!
I don’t believe this is true in every case. I joined a church when I was 18 and was the perfect wife and he took advantage of that. Not until I was in my mid-twenties did I find out he was cheating on me the entire time. I would work full time, take care of all the bills, never question his paycheck, never ask for a portion of his although he would help out “sometimes”. I paid the rent, cell phones, utilities, groceries, front the vacations twice a year, weekend outings, but our kid (1 at the time) clothes, etc. Come to find out, he had a whole other cell phone in order to have these other relationships. Because I was taught to cater and serve my husband, I never snooped nor questioned him. I even served him the way he liked in the bedroom even though it was against my religious beliefs. He still went out there not only cheating but with people he went to school with and whom literally lived local to us which I feel is the most disrespectful thing you can do. So everyone in our circle knew about it but me. We lived in the town he was born and raised in. My heart hurt so much, it tore our marriage apart. He promised to stop when we found out we were pregnant with twins. What did he do? Cheat on me while I was pregnant with them. I lost one of them at 30 weeks gestation. When I got home, he had moved a whole other woman into our home and put our son into the living room because “she had nowhere to go” I could not even mourn the deat of our daughter in peace, SMH. As it turns out, she was smoking meth in our home and we anded up having to kick her out. On top of that, she was stealing my pain medication (I had a cesarian) along with the post-partem meds the prescribed me. I am not so sure he wasn’t screwing her as well. (She was 17 at the time, he was 29. I still belong to my church and unfortunately, we are still together. My son (the twin who survived) is now 18 and just graduated from High School and Community College where he was a part of a Dual enrollment program has just gone off to a very Prominent Ivy League HBCU and is thriving. Unfortunately, my oldest (27) is serving a 23-year prison sentence for manslaughter. My two youngest are doing exceptionally well. My high Schooler is playing Flag Football with a very famous High School and has already toured several states. She also runs track and depending on who gives her a scholarship first also wants to play professionally. I fell as if I would have left early on, my oldest would not be where he is at. SO in closing, I feel bad that women/people are always making it all about the man but unfortunately, I didn’t seem to have any luck in the department and I made it my goal and life to be a kind, understanding, loving, faithful wife who would always be there for my husband so my family would thrive and succeed in this world but I was just hurt and taken advantage of. I went to school and became a Paralegal and picked up the slack when my husband failed to provide for us, which was more often than not. I suffered abuse and my children had to endure anguish and confusion and most times I HATE MYSELF FOR IT. I am sorry for a lot of men because I see a lot of women are manipulative and ungrateful for a good man but I guess those are the cards we are dealt.
When I got married to my wife a couple of years ago, we were wid. All of a sudden, I am being told that I must be religious in order to consumate. What’s with the sudden change?
Why is so negatively one sided? Women cheat and become equally distant, even more so in this day and age. “Technology” has a massive influence on creating the gap.
nothing yet
Love is a choice, it is action, it is a verb. We take the example of John 3:16, for God so LOVED the world that he GAVE his only begotten son… It is “giving” so when a man and a woman get married, they are GIVING one to the other. Feelings do not come into play. Yes, we can be attracted to our mate by feelings, but LOVE is a conscious commitment. If love depended on feelings, then, when hard times come, and the physical part dwindles away, couples would fall apart, but with a true LOVE commitment, GOD is in the center of the relationship, without GOD, the equation turns to just plain FIRE, and when the fire goes out, all that remains are ashes,
Beautiful, very well written.
Your partner doesn’t truthfully apologize.ask them later
It’s over
How about the wife ‘s part of cheating. Not only men cheat
Cuz the guy cheats more than a woman does