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7 Things You Should Never Discuss With Your Daughter-in-Law

Photo by YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV from Shutterstock

2. The way she spends money

This might be a big issue, and it is definitely a subject that you should also avoid discussing with your daughter-in-law. The way we spend our personal money is not a matter of interest to other people, and if you consider that the things she buys are a waste of money, you might stay silent and not start to make a scene.

You can draw attention to it by saying, “Hey, lately, with this inflation going on and skyrocketing prices, we had to make a lot of economic adjustments.” “How are you handling the situation?” In most cases, a conflict can be easily avoided if you know how to manage the situation. You may not agree on the same things, but that doesn’t mean you have to hate each other for having different opinions.

3. Baby names

It’s normal for every person to dislike certain names, but that doesn’t mean you should bring up this subject for discussion. Each generation has its own ideas about what baby names are more appealing or nice. But while the name “John” might seem like a good idea to call your grandson, your daughter-in-law might not be on the same page with you.

Instead of arguing about it and ending up being the bad person, accept the idea that every parent has the right to name their child whatever they think is appropriate. However, if you still insist on “contributing,” you can suggest some of your preferences, but don’t get upset if they don’t like them or they’ve already chosen the name. Support them and show your appreciation!

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3 Responses

  1. Mind your own business, no advice unless asked for it, if either one starts bad mouthing each other do not take sides. I have been very lucky I get along with all my in laws.

  2. I love my oldest sons wife. She is awesome and she and my son are good for each other. I don’t get involved with their marriage as it is none of my business. I do not like my youngest sons wife at all. He married her and he has to live with her. I am cordial to her. Again their marriage is none of my business. As long as my so. Is happy that is all that mTtersreally matters.

  3. I’m fortunate to love my in-laws and they love me. Also, one of my daughter in-laws is heaven sent. The second daughter in-law is another story. It started out well until my son started changing for the worse. He went from being responsible, reliable, in-touch, relatable, respectful and loving to missing work, over drinking, not preparing for the week, disrespecting, stand offish, borrowing money, unreliable. He and she are having these knock down drag out fights. I tried to advise but that back fired on me and now I’m the bad guy. So now I’m staying out of the way as much as possible. Only just the other day, I gave some advice concerning his drinking and he took offense to it. I want to stay my distance but I don’t want to give the impression that I don’t care. I’m going to continue praying.

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