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7 Things You Should Never Discuss With Your Daughter-in-Law

deal with a narcissistic partner
Photo by Gorodenkoff from Shutterstock

6. Your son’s former partners

No matter how hard you try, you will never like your daughter-in-law as much as you liked your son’s former partner, and that’s ok. But if you don’t want to create a scene, avoid discussing this topic! Of course, in your opinion, she was better, but that doesn’t mean you can choose for him. If it didn’t work out, maybe it had its reasons and they weren’t good for each other.

Besides being offensive for your daughter-in-law to hear all the compliments you have for the other women, it will also make the relationship between you even more tense. Try to understand the reasons why your son loves her, and maybe with time your perspective will change too, and who knows, maybe you will end up being good friends.

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3 Responses

  1. Mind your own business, no advice unless asked for it, if either one starts bad mouthing each other do not take sides. I have been very lucky I get along with all my in laws.

  2. I love my oldest sons wife. She is awesome and she and my son are good for each other. I don’t get involved with their marriage as it is none of my business. I do not like my youngest sons wife at all. He married her and he has to live with her. I am cordial to her. Again their marriage is none of my business. As long as my so. Is happy that is all that mTtersreally matters.

  3. I’m fortunate to love my in-laws and they love me. Also, one of my daughter in-laws is heaven sent. The second daughter in-law is another story. It started out well until my son started changing for the worse. He went from being responsible, reliable, in-touch, relatable, respectful and loving to missing work, over drinking, not preparing for the week, disrespecting, stand offish, borrowing money, unreliable. He and she are having these knock down drag out fights. I tried to advise but that back fired on me and now I’m the bad guy. So now I’m staying out of the way as much as possible. Only just the other day, I gave some advice concerning his drinking and he took offense to it. I want to stay my distance but I don’t want to give the impression that I don’t care. I’m going to continue praying.

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