5. Never compare your marriage to others
This is a problem that has been present in our lives for forever. People tend to compare what they have with what others have. This somehow starts a race in which we all compare ourselves to each other and want to become “the best,” whatever that means.
But this is one big mistake that we all should try to avoid. All relationships are different, and you can’t just compare yours with others. Nowadays, we can also blame social media for this. It is extremely easy to see what others are doing, and this makes it easier to compare yourself to them.
You can scroll on Facebook and see what other couples are doing. Sometimes it might seem that they are having a lot of fun while you and your significant other are not doing anything at all.
But this is not true. If you aren’t posting it on social media, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening. So, even if it might sound weird, stopping to compare your relationship is one thing that can help you overcome boredom in marriage.