4. The mannerisms
What women notice in a man when they first see him can be about mannerisms, and we know this for a fact. Believe it or not, women tend to pay really close attention to the way a man carries himself. Any man who wants to make a good impression needs to be aware of his mannerisms, and more than that, he should want to make sure that they are positive.
But what are these mannerisms? Well, the mannerisms encapsulate pretty much everything that a man transmits when he walks into a room. The way he stands up straight and makes eye contact when speaking to a woman, the way he smiles, his confidence, and his ability to be present and genuine. All of these play a big part in the dating game, and every man should know how to control his mannerisms.
One essential aspect when we think about what women notice in a man is the confidence they get from that man. The ladies are naturally drawn to those who are bold and have the courage to speak up when they have something to say.
Now, men should be careful because when they are trying to change their mannerisms, they might fall into the trap of acting like someone they are not, and this is not attractive at all. As we already said, women enjoy the company of men who are genuine, and wearing a mask is not really a part of this.
The secret here is that men should not be someone who they are not; they need to find that inner drive that will give them the confidence that they need. All of us can be confident when we find the way to get there.