7. Withdrawing during conflict
The last entry on the list of things that predict divorce is shutting down when your partner tries to talk to you about something tough. If you or your spouse are guilty of that behavior, that’s not a great sign.
According to a 2013 study, withdrawing during conflicts predicts greater divorce rates. This conclusion was based on the scientists’ interviews with around 350 newlywed couples living in Michigan.
Meanwhile, a study conducted in 2014 showed that couples where one partner pressures the other and receives silence in return are less happy in their relationships. Paul Schrodt, the lead study author, pointed out that it’s difficult to break this pattern because each partner believes the other is the cause of the issue.
You must be able to acknowledge the ways in which your behavior and actions are contributing to the problem, then use different, more respectful strategies that can solve the conflict.
If you liked our article on things that predict divorce, you may also want to read 10 Things Your Partner Should Hear Every Day.