11 Signs Your Spouse Is Secretly Flirting With Other People

cheat flirt
Photo by PeopleImages.com – Yuri A from Shutterstock

They changed their appearance

This is probably the most difficult one. On one hand, your partner might wish only to boost her/his confidence by re-arranging the wardrobe, which is a good sign that they want to make a positive change in their lives.

In this case, you can’t simply jump to conclusions and assume that it means something bad. This would only mean that you don’t want your significant other to improve and grow, which is not healthy. However, if you notice that your spouse is dressing up for certain people, then you would be more entitled to jump to conclusions.

Their eyes are wandering around

Of course, you and your significant other are living, breathing people, so it’s not that unusual for someone to sneak a peak at attractive strangers once in a while. However, if your partner openly stares at other women or men while they’re out with you, it could be a clear sign that they don’t have a problem disrespecting your boundaries. So it makes you wonder…how are they when you’re not around? You can only imagine that they’re way more confident to flirt since you’re not around!

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6 responses

  1. i have a female family member married 40 years and a guy friend married 47 years, both are not happy in their marriage, they would like to leave but they have been with the spouses a long time it’s a convience. each of these people have gone out with other people, the family member only two people and the guy – who knows how many he has gone out with. don’t their spouses suspect anything wth! in a way i feel sorry for both of them bc they have wasted their spouses time and their time sneaking around. after many years i guess this is accepted! sad

  2. My spouse stays on his tablet all the time acting like he is playing a game. I believe he has his text messages forwarded to his tablet using webmail. I know he is flirting and messaging other people.

  3. Sighhhh—The problems you heathens create for yourselves!! FACE IT!! What you fear is cheating! AKA—ADULTERY.

    For those of us who are loyal to our loving Creator—ADULTRY is a serious sin with serious consequences—one of the Ten Commandments states it plainly—“Thou Shalt NOT Commit Adultery”. Isn’t THAT easy to comprehend??

    No, not for you self-enthusiasts and ego-maniacs who have no scruples nor self restraint nor any ethical guidelines in life. Just do what you feel like all the time! What a loser’s path you are on!

    You need to get on your knees and pray to your savior Jesus for forgiveness! HERE! Allow me to guide you—“Oh dear Jesus, I am tired of living in disgraceful sin all my waking hours. I detest my sins and seek your forgiveness! I wish to serve you! What may I do for you?? Please isolate me from the following (including but not necessarily limited to)—
    * Predators
    * Parasites
    * Propagandists
    * Opportunists
    * Drug Crazed
    * Criminally Insane
    * Miscreants
    * Sex Maniacs
    * Sundry Other Brands of Demoniacs—–

    These words of wisdom are a gift to you from your favorite sage, Feral Tomm…You are WELCOME!!

  4. I found out about my ex cheating because I got an anonymous letter in the mail. He of course denied it. After getting proof, I filed for a divorce.

  5. What about these hidden apps Now and incognito you can’t track back from what they have been up too either

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