Do They Have Feelings? 8 Reasons Men Act Indifferent

Here are some of the most common reasons men act indifferent, and the explanation behind them!

This is one of the world’s greatest mysteries—the eternal question every woman asks herself once in a while: do men have feelings?

It might seem like a silly question, but probably all of us have wondered this, at least when we have seen guys keeping that poker face up during incredibly emotional moments or when they respond in the shortest way possible to basic questions such as “How was your day?”

Is there a guy’s handbook somewhere, and in there you can find a rule that says, “Thou shalt not show any sign of emotion?” Or is there something more, and deep down, any man has a whirlwind of feelings that he never lets out to see the world?

In case you ever wondered what the reasons are why men act indifferent, you are in the right place because we are about to tell you more about this topic. Get ready to find out some of the great secrets of men!

reasons men act indifferent
Photo by simona pilolla 2 from Shutterstock

1. Childhood conditioning

This is a big one of the reasons men act indifferent, because, at least from an emotional perspective, men don’t have the best childhoods. They are taught to be “manly,” and this implies that no vulnerability is allowed.

“Be a man” or “Boys don’t cry” are things they have heard countless times, and this created a sense of shame around emotions. The only way they could have protected themselves was to suppress their feelings and move on.

This type of education is also the reason men don’t have a vast emotional vocabulary. This means they don’t know how to express their emotions through words, and the best approach for many is to just shut up and say nothing about how they feel.

All of this childhood conditioning is, let’s say, the root of the many reasons men act indifferent, and we are about to tell you about all the others.

2. They want to avoid conflict

“Emotions trigger emotion,” and this is a mantra many guys follow and one of the reasons men act indifferent. Maybe your guy finds himself in a scenario where expressing anger or disappointment will start a fight. He might think that acting passively and not saying much or showing any emotion will keep things peaceful.

Some of them have grown up in violent environments, and they have learned that acting indifferent and detached is a good tool, and this is how they have adopted the “peacekeeper” role. They don’t want to stir the pot, and they will put on this mask of indifference.

3.  Media presented stereotypes

It is not a surprise that the media has incredible power to shape societal expectations, and our emotions are not an exception to this. Stereotypes were born this way, and they are also one of the reasons men act indifferent.

Our screens are blasting movies with stoic superheroes like Batman or James Bond, and since this is what the media presents, we tend to believe that indeed men should be emotionless bastions of strength, but this is not the case.

This is how men end up sucking up their emotions and starting to play the cool guy who is never emotional but is always rational.

The problem is that the media portrays mostly one-dimensional characters that don’t cover the full emotional spectrum of a human being. This happens, especially in the case of men, and this is how we have ended up being manipulated by all of these stereotypes.

4. The stigma around mental health

One of the reasons men act indifferent is the preconceptions that exist around mental health. Society has, or at least used to have, some unrealistic expectations from men, and this has prevented them from seeking help in case of mental health crises. Those who wanted help were told that they were weak, and this fear of judgment convinced many to hide and never ask for support when they were struggling with anxiety or depression.

This whole stigma led to men isolating themselves and not communicating with anyone about their problems and mental state. The emotional disconnection from family and friends stopped healthy communication, which is one reason men act indifferent. It might seem that they are tough and all, but inside they have a vortex of emotions that they never feel ready to explain.

5. Workplace norms

The male-dominated fields have a rigid professional environment, and in the end, this leads to a culture of emotional suppression, which is one of the reasons men act indifferent.

There are a lot of workplaces that want you to have an entirely different persona at work, also called a “business persona.” This separation between work and personal life can lead many men to hide their true feelings.

When feelings are considered unprofessional and none of the colleagues show any weaknesses, this type of environment makes anyone bottle up emotions in an attempt to integrate.

Also, because of the competitive environment, many men don’t want to appear weak because they perceive it as a threat to the security of their careers.

6. Fear of rejection

There are many reasons men act indifferent, but there is one that has a huge impact, and that is their hurtful past experiences. The scars of the past trigger this fear of being judged again, and because they don’t want to feel rejected, men might decide just to suppress their feelings. Appearing indifferent can help them not be rejected again, or at least this is what they think.

This phenomenon makes many people misinterpret indifference for strengths, but in the end, this is not helping at all. Actually, it can be damaging, and this can lead to more emotional distress. Men can see this shield of indifference as something that can protect them from rejection, but keeping this facade will destroy authenticity and the joy of genuine and intimate relationships.

7. They feel like they can’t be saved

This is a significant one of the reasons men act indifferent, they can simply feel like their problems are unsolvable. Most men will try to take care of any emotional burden by themselves, and this can make them isolated during tough times. They are not seeking support or a different perspective.

After a while of staying alone and trying to deal with their problem by themselves, they can start believing that that was it; there is nothing else to do, and they are doomed. This negative mindset is not beneficial and can make some men look indifferent when, in fact, they are not.

reasons men act indifferent
Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock

8. Action says more than words

A significant number of men prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words, and this may make us believe they are indifferent.

Sports, various action-oriented hobbies, or simply physical labor can help many men release emotional energy. Surprisingly, this is a healthy method to process your feelings without articulating a single word.

For example, if someone shares a passion for music with a friend or talks about a challenging workout routine with them, this can be a good way to express emotions in an indirect way.

But even though it is a popular outlet for men, it is not a sustainable one. Always relying on action to process your feelings provides temporary release but does not deal with the root of the emotions.

This is a good book for any man who wants to know more about his feelings: Nothing’s Wrong: A Man’s Guide to Managing His Feelings (Learn to Express Your Emotions in a Healthy Way)

You should also read: 5 Signs of Powerful Chemistry You Can’t Ignore

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