The euphoric sensation you feel when you’re spending time with the one you love (or simply see them across the room or hear their name) is something that can be easily traced down to the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Your brain has a reward system that completely relies on this chemical. This is what reinforces our pleasurable behaviors, like eating, listening to music, having s*x, and seeing people you really love.
You just need to think about the object of your affection, and you already trigger dopamine release, which makes you feel excited and eager to do whatever it might take to see them. And when you get to see them, your brain is basically rewarding you with more dopamine, which translates into intense pleasure.
Attachment and security
But when love gets into the picture, dopamine isn’t the only chemical that steps into the game. There’s also oxytocin, which boosts your feelings of attachment, safety, and trust. This is probably one of the reasons why you feel more comfortable and relaxed with your partner, especially when you declare your love for one another.
You might experience enhanced feelings after you touch and kiss for the first time. Well, that’s still oxytocin, which is also known as “the love hormone.” For a good reason, I must say. The release of oxytocin is known to strengthen your bond, mostly because it decreases your interest in any other potential partners. In other words, the better you feel with your partner, the closer you’ll want to get.