11 Very Subtle Signs Your Wife Is Cheating on You

signs your wife is cheating
Photo by M-Production from Shutterstock

She always guards her phone.

No matter the level of trust and intimacy in your relationship, you and your wife always share phone stuff with each other, whether it’s just a bunch of reels, interesting articles, or DIY videos. However, when the boundaries suddenly change and she appears to be less forthcoming with what’s happening on her phone, it might raise some questions. If she shares her images on iCloud and you don’t have as much access, you might want to wonder if something came up.

Her social media presence has changed.

Some women have a special relationship with social media. Sometimes your wife forgets she even has an Instagram account, and other times it feels as if she’s looking at the world through an app. If you feel that your wife has started to put herself out there more often, that she’s always on the phone, and that she would rather text (text who?) than have a nice conversation with you, you might want to get angry.

You can even dig a little deeper into who’s following her on Instagram or Facebook and if there are any telltale signs that she’s cheating. An intimate conversation with another guy is definitely a start.

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