6 Things Women Hate About Marriage

You might not like to hear this, but there are things women hate about marriage!

Tying the knot is often portrayed as the ultimate fairytale—the moment you’ve been waiting all your life for, the day where you start a new chapter filled with love and romance that will last until your last breath. Wait, hold up, let’s get real for a moment. Yes, being married to the one you love is fun and exciting, but it’s not always the happily ever after we see in movies.

While we can’t deny all the good things that are part of a special union, there are some things women hate about marriage, too, myself included. If my husband reads this article, I hope he won’t get mad because I’m not talking about the mall annoyances, but rather the things that can make even the most solid relationships feel frustrating at times. If you’re married, you probably have a couple of things on your mind already.

Today’s article is all about exposing the raw truths that go beyond the picture-perfect view of marriage. So grab a coffee, a lemonade, or a snack because we’re about to spill the tea. Whether it’s unmet expectations, annoying habits, poor manners, or anything in between, this is our girly time, and we have the right to complain. So, without further ado, here are all the things women hate about marriage!

love is kindness, things women hate about marriage
Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

1. Being expected to fix everything

When you say “yes” to someone, you expect to have a partner for the rest of your life, but women often take the role of peacekeepers, problem solvers, and emotional support systems for everyone in the household.

Have you ever noticed this? When your partner experiences a personal crisis, you’re there to offer solutions and comfort. When there’s tension in the family, you’re the one to smooth things over. It’s not easy, and it takes a lot of time and effort to deal with.

No wonder this is one of the things women hate about marriage. While women are known for their nurturing side, nobody likes to carry the emotional burden along, am I right? If you feel overwhelmed by being expected to fix things, leave a comment below, and let’s chat!

2. Feeling like a manager rather than a partner

The things women hate about marriage vary from person to person, but many of the ladies I know complain about being household managers rather than partners. Somewhere along the way, they find themselves managing appointments, house chores, groceries, schedules, and everything in between, like remembering their partners’ family birthdays.

No wonder some ladies are tired all the time, especially if their spouses don’t even acknowledge the effort behind this. Studies showed that even when both partners have full-time jobs, women still handle the majority of household responsibilities.

Everyone wants a partner who takes the initiative and actually does things, rather than someone who wants to be told what to do. A simple solution for this relationship problem? Just share the load without expecting to be asked.

love stories, things women hate about marriage
Photo by Branislav Nenin from Shutterstock

3. The loss of excitement and romance

The loss of romance and feeling like the spark is gone are surely among the things women hate about marriage. Before being that committed to your partner, there were spontaneous dates, grand gestures, and deep conversations, but a few years into it, things changed.

My husband and I, for instance, lived together for three years before getting married, and I could tell the romance was almost gone within a year. The sweet texts became reminders to pick up bread and eggs; those wonderful date nights were replaced with Netflix binges, and the mind-blowing time in the bedroom started to feel like routine.

We had a few difficult years, and it took us many conversations and efforts to regain that spark. So, returning to the things women hate about marriage, it’s time for couples to restore those butterflies.

It’s not that women expect their partners to be romantic 24/7, but they do want to feel appreciated, loved, and desired in a way that doesn’t feel forced or routine. Yes, it takes effort from both sides, but it’s not impossible.

An impromptu love-making session, an unexpected hug, a thoughtful note, or a sincere compliment can go a long way in a strong and happy marriage.

4. Feeling like a mother

This is one of the worst things that can happen in a long-term relationship, so no wonder it’s part of the things women hate about marriage. Ladies want a partner, not another child. But we get it; things happen, and they might have to nag, remind, and clean up after your spouse. From leaving dirty laundry on the floor to forgetting important events or commitments, some people solely rely on their wives to pick up the slack.

Even if there’s a lot of love and respect in a marriage like this, it’s not a healthy dynamic and can turn into resentment. Nobody wants to babysit their significant other or constantly remind them to do things. It’s not s*xy, but personal accountability is.

…Are you curious to know more about the things women hate about marriage? Then, keep reading!

Controlling Woman Red Flag, things women hate about marriage
Photo by Mladen Mitrinovic at Shutterstock

5. Not feeling like a priority

Many women really dislike feeling like they’re not a priority in their marriage. While it’s totally normal for partners to have other interests and responsibilities, it’s important for them to feel loved, appreciated, and valued. When hobbies, work, friends, or family always take the front seat, it can create feelings of resentment.

Finding a good balance is key in any long-term relationship! Women especially want to feel like they’re a top priority. Little gestures like a fun date night, heartfelt conversations, or surprising her with something special can go a long way in making her feel cherished and loved.

6. Lack of emotional intimacy

One of the biggest concerns for women in marriage is the weakening emotional connection. Just like physical closeness, emotional intimacy is really important, and when that starts to slip away, women can feel a bit unfulfilled in the relationship.

Emotional intimacy isn’t just about having deep conversations; it’s about feeling truly seen, heard, and valued in those everyday moments. Many women feel frustrated when their husbands stop sharing their feelings after they get married, thinking that simply being together is enough. But women really need that extra reassurance, affection, and effort to keep the spark alive!

The good news? It’s really not that hard to turn things around! A little communication, active listening, and regular affection can work wonders. Take a moment to ask about her day, listen with genuine interest, and show her you care. Simple gestures like a warm hug, a sweet text, or a heartfelt compliment can make a big difference in keeping that emotional connection strong.

What are your thoughts on these things women hate about marriage? Do you agree with any of these? I would love to know what your thoughts are, so leave a comment below! If you want to surprise your wife with something special, here’s something for you! Until next time, make sure you also check out this other post from Detangle Love: 9 Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating at Work. You’re going to like it!

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