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How Can You Tell If a Married Woman Wants You? (10 Signs)

Photo by LightField Studios from Shutterstock

She finds new ways to spend time with you

She will come up with new ways to spend as much time together as possible. She could invite you to meet her at a bar, to “talk” about your next big project together, or you might run into her on your way to getting your morning coffee, or she might even drop by your place.

When a woman is deeply attracted to you, she will try to get your attention in different subtle ways, so she can spend more time with you. If the two of you already spend a lot of time together, the chances are that she really likes you.

She compliments you a lot

When a married woman starts flirting with you, you will immediately notice the avalanche of compliments she makes, and how she becomes extremely friendly. Women want to please the men they are really interested in, and some of the easiest ways to do that are with compliments.

Compliments are a great way to send the message across, and it’s oftentimes an obvious sign that she’s really into you, especially if you know she’s not the kind of woman who’s known to compliment a lot.

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5 Responses

  1. When your wife in the hospital with your first born, he best friend tell you to stop by on the way home and get the meat loaf she made for you. When you do, she invite you in and tell you her husband will not be home for 2 hours. I did pick up the meat loaf and thank her, but did not use any of the two hours.

  2. ZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzZZzz—An old practice called adultery. One of our Creator’s Laws, called the “Ten Commandments” forbids such acts. Women who wish to breach the confines of their marriage are known as harlots.

    BEWARE, real men—lest these fallen women try to seduce you and drag you into the wallow they are slopping around in. The BEST WAY to deal with trouble is to avoid it in the first place.

    These words of wisdom gifted to you by your favorite Sage, Feral Tomm—YOU ARE WELCOME!

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