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First Date Deal Breakers: 7 Signs They Won’t Ask You Out Again

Detangle Love presents: first date deal breakers and all the signs they won’t ask you out again!

If you’ve read any of my articles, you probably remember that I’ve been in a happy relationship with a wonderful man for more than 20 years. While I don’t go on dates with strangers and don’t feel terrified if they’ll ask me out again or not, I have a 20-something-year-old daughter and some divorced friends who are still on the market, and they shared their experiences with me.

Basically, I know more about first date deal breakers than other people, and since I love writing about love and relationships, I decided to write this one for you. Ladies and gentlemen, hear me out: you can tell from the very first hour whether you’ll go out with them again, thanks to these first date deal breakers.

Meeting someone new is exciting because you get to know them, you can have a wonderful time together, you get to share all those amazing things that make you special, you hear someone else’s story, and you feel those fantastic butterflies in your stomach.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t always end like that, and sometimes you have to pay attention to multiple things during a first date so you know for sure whether you get your hopes up for a second one or not. If you don’t know how to interpret a first meeting with a potential partner, I’m here to guide you!

Without further ado, let’s talk about first date deal breakers and all the signs they won’t ask you out again (and neither should you)!

first date deal breaker
Photo by Prostock-studio from

1. Lack of enthusiasm

One of the worst first date deal breakers, in my opinion, is a lack of enthusiasm. It’s understandable that the first time you meet them, you can both feel anxious and clumsy, but if you feel that they’re not enthusiastic at all but rather show you disinterest, don’t expect to be asked out again.

Of course, there’s also the possibility that they’re tired from a long day, but if that’s the case, they should communicate it with you. You can go ahead and ask them if they’re okay, and if they say that there’s nothing wrong and they don’t want to open up or get annoyed that you ask them, it’s definitely a first date deal breaker.

Do you agree with me on this one? Every situation is different, so make sure you follow your gut here.

2. No follow-up

A long time ago, one of the main sources of stress related to dating was figuring out who was calling first. There’s a st**id rule about dating that says that men shouldn’t text or call a woman for three days after the first day, but that’s nothing but BS.

We don’t live in the 1960s, and it’s nice and totally normal to contact the person you were on a date with and tell them that you had a nice time, ask them if they got home safely, or simply talk to them again.

Some relationship experts say that if the person you were out with doesn’t contact you within 24 hours, it’s a first date deal breaker, and that means they’re not that into you.

Again, they might be busy, they might not have service on their phone, or they didn’t have time to charge their device, so give them the benefit of the doubt if they don’t reach out as soon as you would want, but pay attention to their excuses and to the way they talk to you because they might mention a second date. Or not, and you wouldn’t know because they wouldn’t reach out.

3. If you send them a follow-up, it’s weird

If you decide to try your luck and not care about who reaches out first, the way your date responds can tell a lot about their feelings towards you. For instance, if you text them saying you had a wonderful time, you probably expect to be met with something that is just as enthusiastic, right?

Well, that might not be the case. If you get a monosyllabic answer such as “thanks”, or “you’re welcome”, or a boring emoji like a thumb up, not even a hug, kiss, or heart emoji, you might be the only one who enjoyed the previous night. Definitely a first-date deal-breaker, don’t you think?

first date deal-breaker
Photo by New Africa from

4. The conversation is boring

One of the most common first-date deal breakers is not having a subject to talk about with your date. You already know that if two people who like each other meet, the conversation can go to places they didn’t even think of.

Even though there might be moments of silence, when one can think of something to share with their date, if you find your partner constantly checking their phone, only looking at their plate and not at you, or paying more attention to the people across your table, you have yourself a first date deal breaker.

Many relationship experts say that when the conversation is no longer intriguing on any level, many couples tend to put an end to their almost-love story, and that’s pretty understandable considering that everybody wants someone they can chat with, right?

If the conversation doesn’t have any chemistry, this first date deal breaker can guarantee you that you won’t see that person again!

5. Body language

You can learn a lot about someone by paying attention to their body language. If you’re on a date with someone and you want to have an insight into how they feel around you, just look at their body language, because you can tell whether someone is at ease around you by their posture and the way they fold their arms.

If you’re afraid of first date deal breakers, their posture is going to give you an idea of whet  her you’ll be asked on a second date or not. I don’t want to be the one who disappoints you, but a lean back or a lack of eye contact can tell that a person is not that into you.

They might not have the guts to cut the date short, but they will probably do it later, when you try to make plans for a second date. If there’s no chemistry, it won’t happen!

Another first date deal breaker is to avoid kissing, pull their hand away from yours if you try to grasp it, or back away if you try to hug them at the end of your date. Pay attention to these body language signs, because they can tell you more than you can!

first date deal-breaker
Photo by Antonio Guillem from

6. They’re easily distracted

We’re not done with these first date deal breakers because there are many signs your date doesn’t like you as much as you do. When you first get together with someone, it’s understandable that you want their eyes to be on you.

There’s nothing more upsetting and unsettling than being with someone on a first date and having them constantly check their phones or the time. This gives off the impression that they have something better to do, and if they do it, they’re not that into you.

7. No flirtation

I’m sorry you agree with me on this one because one of the most popular first date deal breakers is the absence of flirting. This comes naturally when two people like each other, so if you notice that your date acts like they’re forced to be around you, it’s time to tell them goodbye.

Flirting doesn’t necessarily mean trying to hold your hand, kiss you, or hug you, but also sending hints about future times you’ll get together or suggesting activities to try next. If there’s no flirting, don’t expect them to ask you out again, because it’s certainly a first date deal breaker.

What do you think about these first date deal breakers? Have you ever experienced any of these? Leave a comment below and share your story with us, because you might help another reader out!

If you went on a first date and you’d love to play a fun game with your special someone, I recommend you check this one out! It’s steamy, and it’s working like a charm!

Do you want to read more from Detangle Love? Then here’s a good post for you: Is Your Spouse Hiding Something from You? Here Are 5 Signs!

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