1. Ask your friends (or close relatives) to introduce you to people
“Single and ready to mingle?” Let your friends and family know about this! Outside of dating apps, this is an old practice in which people, no matter their age, meet somebody new. Back in the day, this was the main “method” to introduce a man to a woman, or vice versa. This is a safer practice and more common for elders compared to a blind date. You will know for sure that it will be someone trustworthy, and for starters, you have common friends.
But be aware and tell your friends about your expectations of the person you will meet. It’s nice to remind them what your goals are for the relationship if you want marriage or not, and what you are willing to accept in your life again. Dating after a certain age might be difficult, but not impossible.
Ask your friends if they’re okay with a dinner where you can all meet and spend time together. By doing this, you will also have the chance to ask about their preferences and find out more about them.