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8 Things Everybody Should Know About Online Dating

DETANGLE’s Insight

Online dating may be enjoyable because it’s a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, put yourself out there, and find a potential partner. I’ve already had my fair share of online meetups with men, and when it comes to meeting up in person, there are a few guidelines to follow. These guidelines weren’t merely made up by me; they were the consequence of mistakes and lessons learned.

Do you know the rules for proper online dating?

During the past few years, there’s been an explosion of online dating apps that help you connect with or meet new people from all over the world. However, this process can be quite overwhelming at times, as well as disappointing if the person does not live up to your expectations. But don’t worry! Because a third of Americans started their marriages online. And more than half are still together, living happily ever after. So, after all, it’s worth giving a shot!

If you’re new to this, we’re here to give you some pointers on how to use the apps safely in order to find someone who can become your better half. Let’s start!

Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

1. Be honest from the very moment

For most of us who have had our fair share of bad experiences over the years, the dating scene can become frustrating. So maybe you need a bit of advice to help you get the ball rolling again. It’s true that dating after a long period of time when you were single is definitely hard, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

One of the first golden rules of dating is to let people get to know the real you! Start with small steps and get into conversations that make them reveal their lives, and don’t be shy to share your part as well.

Don’t be afraid to mention what your true intentions are and what your main expectations are from a potential relationship. It’s very important to be honest and transparent from the very beginning. Nobody needs to waste time on connections that don’t meet their real expectations.

2. Don’t limit yourself to one type of person

While some of us may think that our partner will meet all of our expectations, we may be wrong, and that idea is very possible. So what could you be missing out on? Just because your date doesn’t share the same interests as you doesn’t mean they can’t be the perfect match.

For example, if they don’t mention that they love a certain movie that you do or a book that’s important to you, don’t discourage yourself or trick your mind into believing that the person with whom you’re talking doesn’t deserve your attention anymore just because of that.

Give them a chance and try to know them first. Just because you seem to share different interests and hobbies doesn’t mean you won’t connect on a deeper level.

3. Send messages freely

Don’t be shy about sending messages to people you want to connect with! Sending a simple message with a question like “How are you?” or “Where are you from?” doesn’t mean you automatically want to date. It’s more like the natural beginning of a conversation with a person you’ve never met before.

Message anyone that gets your attention, and reply to all the people you consider interesting by reading their personal description. Communicate, communicate, communicate!

4. Communication is the key!

Even if it’s only an online conversation, that doesn’t mean it has to be a dull one. Most people say that communication is one of the most important keys to a successful relationship. That and respect are probably the best combinations. As we previously mentioned, it is very important to be honest with the person you’re talking to.

If you’re a bit uneasy about something they said, express it. Don’t try to play hard to get by sending them mixed signals if you enjoyed your conversations. Instead, tell them that you enjoyed their company, and who knows, maybe you will go on a date soon!

Small tip: Keep in mind that even if you’re a much more chatty person compared to them, avoid talking about your ex partners or anything related to bad experiences. Let them get to know you first before getting into personal details.

Photo by TheVisualsYouNeed from Shutterstock

5. Write a profile that reflects what you want

One of the main rules of online dating is to create a profile that represents the real YOU! Aside from providing a brief description of yourself when you mention what your hobbies are, what kind of movies you like, and how old you are, don’t forget to specify whether you’re looking for a serious relationship or simply casual dating with no serious intentions.

And don’t worry if your profile gets only a couple of views in the first week. It’ll only be a matter of time before people approach you!

6. The most important online dating rule: always be yourself

Don’t be overwhelmed by all these rules; take a seat and relax. Because this is probably the easiest tip to follow when you’re trying to connect with someone through an online dating app. Focus on who you are now! Early on in dating, it’s a good idea to focus on the person you are now rather than discuss your past self. Of course, it’s important for all the couples to know a bit about each other’s past, but the time will come for that later.

Those first couple of dates (even if they are online) should show them who you really are. Try to limit discussions about past mistakes or former partners, and don’t brag about something too much. Be open-minded, fun, and always listen to what the other person has to say.

7. Upload a nice photo of yourself (if you have one smiling, it’s preferable)

I’m sure you have a nice photo of yourself from a previous vacation. It’s time for it to be used as a profile picture on your dating app. And if you have one of yourself smiling, pick that one! People love seeing others with big grins. Plus, you will also give off the vibe of a friendly and approachable person. But don’t forget to choose pictures that were recently taken, in case the other person wants to see you live on webcam. It’s preferable to avoid situations where there are discrepancies between reality and the picture.

8. Stay safe and don’t get too emotional

The majority of people who are using dating apps are honest about themselves. However, there are also a lot of shady ones who have nasty intentions. To protect yourself from these types of people, you can set up some boundaries until you date face-to-face for the first time to see how they are in real life compared to online discussions.

Trust isn’t built overnight; it takes time to get to know a person. That’s why, if you don’t feel safe disclosing any personal information about yourself, don’t do it. Keep a veil of mystery because, believe it or not, it can make things more interesting.

Another rule about online dating is to keep yourself grounded and not get attached too soon. Keep your distance until you meet. They might seem like a nice and attractive person, but until you get to know them in person, stay put.

Dating can be complicated and overwhelming, but don’t discourage yourself! Somewhere, someday, the right person will cross your path. It’s just a matter of time!

For more dating tips, you can subscribe (if you haven’t yet) to our page because we have some amazing advice that can help you find the love of your life.

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