Secrets to Revive Your Libido After 50

Looking to spice up your intimate life? Here’s how to revive your libido after 50! 

One thing is for sure: life doesn’t end at 50 years old. Indeed, we’re not that young anymore, but our souls still are, and it would be a pity not to take advantage of this and enjoy your intimate life too. While everyone’s libido is different, there will be a decline in it as we age.

You might need to plan and think about intimacy a bit more than you did when you were younger, but you can still enjoy it at the same level or maybe even more! The following seven secrets will help keep the fire burning between you and your partner and revive your libido in the blink of an eye:

revive your libido
Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

Try something new

You might want to think of ways to spice up your private life after being with the same person for a long time. So instead of, for example, doing missionary all over again, try another position that brings pleasure to both of you.

Changing the location where you usually make love is another option. Try the living room or even the shower, for instance. Put on some relaxing music, light a scented candle (Bloom tempt is my favorite), and get cozy under the sheets.

Furthermore, you can also try and rearrange your intimate schedule. It might be a good idea to try having intercourse in the morning, for example, if you’re too tired or in no mood in the evening. Beginning the day with something that gives you pleasure is definitely a good idea. Plus, you will be in a better mood throughout the entire day.

Focus on foreplay

As we age, our drive won’t be as high as it used to be, but that doesn’t mean you can’t revive your libido! This might be a reason to focus even more on intimacy and discover what your body needs. Don’t rush; concentrate on creating pleasure and anticipation.

Sleep naked

If you want to revive your libido and get your partner in the mood, all you have to do is sleep naked. And trust me, no one will get their zzz’s when your soft skins touch each other. You already know where this is going, so why not relax and enjoy?

It will be a night to remember, and if you do want to sleep naked after this magical experience, I can guarantee it will make you appreciate one another more. After all, it’s all about emotional and physical connection, isn’t it?

Indulge yourselves with a glass of red wine

One glass of wine can help you relax, become more invested in intimacy, and become more passionate in bed. Don a pair of classy lingerie, wear your finest fragrance, and fill your glasses with red wine. Be careful and don’t overdo it since excessive consumption of alcohol can affect erectile function and slow down performance.

Savor some chocolate

Since its invention, chocolate has been the universal symbol of pleasure and desire, not only because of its smooth and delicious taste but also because it has been medically proven to have aphrodisiac effects. Furthermore, the moderate consumption of chocolate can also boost serotonin levels which can regulate the blood flow in our bodies.

Buy your favorite chocolate brand and flavor, or maybe you’d want to spice things up and try something completely new; it’s up to you. Sit back, relax, and indulge yourselves. The rest will follow up on its own…

Focus on being comfortable

As we age, it’s important to focus on what our bodies say. It’s a great way to revive your libido and also be aware of your physical needs. For example, if you suffer from arthritis or you have ongoing back pain, you won’t be able to properly enjoy intimacy or even think about it at all. But don’t let this condition affect your libido!

The good news is that you can find together ways to feel better. You can try a different, more comfortable position for your body or use pillows to help support you. You can also try and incorporate some regular exercise into your routine, like yoga or pilates, which are both recommended to seniors, so you strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility, and enjoy being intimate even more.

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Communicate your needs

It’s also crucial to discuss issues with your partner, even if you’ve been together for years, to revive your libido and enjoy your time under the sheets. Who knows, perhaps you’re both dissatisfied with your s*x life and just talking about it will make things better, or possibly your needs have changed and you have fresh ideas on how to make things interesting.

As they get older, some couples discover that they have better sex. Along with having more intimacy with a long-term partner, you might discover that you have more time and privacy. Talk to your significant other without fear! If you don’t think you can open up that easily, you can also try couple therapy.

Be mindful of what medications you take

Certain medications can have side effects that can influence your intimacy. Some of those medications are cholesterol-lowering pills, ulcer medications, antihistamines, antidepressants, and blood pressure medicines. Consult your physician and find out what you can do if you have any reason to believe that any of your medications are reducing your libido. Maybe they change them or prescribe you something that won’t interfere with this.

Have a restful sleep during the night

People who lead busy lives sometimes lack the time necessary to get the recommended amount of sleep. Making time for intercourse is also challenging when one is busy or tired. Take naps when you can and eat a nutritious diet rich in complex carbohydrates and protein to increase your energy and desire.

Besides sleeping enough hours per night, you can also consider meditation. This will help you unwind, focus more on yourself and your needs, and relieve stress, the major impediment to intimacy. Women usually have low libido if they’re stressed, while men can use s*x to relieve stress and feel better.

Bottom line:

It’s important to acknowledge the fact that everyone is different, and what works for other people may not work for you and vice versa. Listen to your body, to your needs, and be honest with your partner. Maybe you need a vacation, some time off; be spontaneous. This helps revive your libido very much.

Plan a date night at home, order some food, buy a good wine that you both like, pick some of your favorite songs, and go with the flow. Or forget about planning stuff and go for spontaneity. Yes, you’ve heard me well. Spontaneity is the key to success when it comes to intimacy.

Let your bodies tell you what they want; let desire be in charge this time around… Don’t be shy; after all, you’ve been together for a while now. Try triggering your libido by touching yourself in a particular way or by asking your partner to do so. Perhaps you need to try a few different things to see what suits you best in this phase of your life after 50…

How do feel about your intimate life? Tell us in the comments.

Related article that you might like These Things Look Sexy When Senior Women Do Them

3 responses

  1. What do you do at age 70+ when your female partner of 30+ years decides she no longer is interested in intimacy and you still are; On top of that finds intercourse painful ???

  2. I am now 52 my wife is 51 we haven’t been intimate for over 2 years. I’ve tried everything and I’m at the end of my rope. I used to be a male dancer when I was 20-25 that’s how we met. I have cried so much because she dies not want to be with me sexully anymore. I’m still built great for my age. Tried counseling She won’t try anything, it’s like she has no feelings when it come to me. She says she loves me we hang out all the time. It hurts me deeply that she won’t have sex with me. Make me feel used. I own my own business she is a stay at home mom.

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