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These Things Look Sexy When Senior Women Do Them

How many of us know that being sexy is a state of mind?

Being sexy doesn’t have an expiration date, so no matter the age, confidence, and self-love can radiate amazingly, and all the heads will be turned over you. Growing older comes with changes in our bodies and hormones. The key to staying sexy is all about our inner world.

Women over 50 are redefining today what attractive means. We have icons like Monica Bellucci, Sharon Stone, Helen Mirren, Elizabeth Hurley, and Demi Moore, proving how confidence and style can only get better with time.

These gorgeous women embrace their age and sensuality, and they don’t claim the outdated idea that sex appeal fades with age.

What’s important is embracing who you are, and you don’t need to follow any rules about how you should look or how you should act, as being sexy is a state of mind. You don’t need to stop it at a certain age, and even more, with age comes freedom. You feel less societal pressure to fit in, less rigid boxes, more time to explore yourself, and fewer distractions (for our empty nesters).

sexy senior women
Photo by – Yuri A from Shutterstock

These are some tips on how to keep your inner fire alive and burning bright.

Embrace self-love and acceptance

We often get more in touch with who we truly are as we age. Embracing your body is the first step to feeling sexy, and remember that everything is possible; you can do anything, and you don’t need to limit your body.

Don’t dwell on things that you wish would be different, and better focus on your uniqueness. Appreciate your body with its beautiful curves, your strength, and your confidence. Own who you are, as this is the ultimate form of sexiness.

Sexiness is about mindset

It all starts in the mind. If you need to take time, take your time to indulge in thoughts and memories that are blooming into good thoughts and memories. No matter if you’re reminiscing on a great moment or thinking about someone who makes you feel good and desired, or using your imagination for experiences that excite you.

Dress to impress yourself

Do your makeup, wear things that make you feel good, look good, and shift your mood. Feeling good on the outside may boost your inside, so even if it’s a perfect outfit or a hint of lipstick, the way you present yourself can have a great impact on your mindset.

Even more, you can create a ritual around it by pampering yourself with care and attention to bring out that inner glow.

Step outside your comfort zone

You can revamp your sexiness with daily routines that spark a lot of excitement. Don’t hesitate to mix things up and to explore new experiences. If you plan to stick to the same habits, why not change them? Try a new, bold outfit! Experiment with different makeup, shake up your bedroom routine, push yourself outside your comfort zone, and reignite the fire within you. This is about growth, fun, and feeling vibrant in new ways.

Glowing self-esteem

It’s so much easier to feel sexy when you feel good about yourself. Confidence comes naturally when your mind, body, and spirit are aligned and taken care of. Having high self-esteem and body positivity are the foundation of feeling sexy, along with self-care. Your wellness should be a priority, so be active, stay flexible, and make sure you get enough sleep. Taking care of yourself will improve your mood, and you will be more vibrant and ready to take on the world.

Sexiness is about attitude

There is no size talk when it comes to being sexy. Trust me, it’s not about a certain body type, but more about how you carry yourself and the energy you bring into the room. A huge part of this is played by self-care, as treating yourself well is directly linked to a healthy balance in your life. Sleeping well and lowering stress levels are key factors in being healthy and happy. Excluding confidence and feeling attractive will be a lot easier when you do these things, and at the end of the day, your attitude, self-love, and positive mindset will make you incredibly sexy.

Embrace flirting

Flirting is not about just teasing someone. It can be a fun way to reconnect with your playful side and build a bond with yourself. Keep eye contact, linger just a bit longer than usual, and gently brush against someone as you pass. Subtle touches and compliments can change your mood instantly, so flirting can break your routine and add a spark of excitement. Don’t have second thoughts while you engage with it with a playful wink or a cheeky smile.

Own your unique style

There is no right way to be sexy. It’s about how you feel, about power and confidence. No matter if you fancy leather, lace, latex, or gym gear, remember that the sexiest thing you wear is being true to yourself.

So, don’t try to fit a certain stereotype and embrace your individuality as it shines in the most alluring way. The most attractive and magnetic things are confidence and authenticity, so wear what you want and do it unapologetically.

Pamper yourself for a boost

Feeling sexy starts with self-care, as I mentioned before. Take your time for a long, luxurious bath and give yourself a manicure or pedicure; you can even spritz on your favorite perfume. Make sure you’re freshly groomed and smell divine, so you will naturally feel more confident and ready to take on the world. Attend your wax appointment, level up your skincare routine, or just put on a favorite body lotion. Pamper yourself, and you will see how this will do miracles for your mood and self-image.

sexy bodywear
Photo by maxstockphoto from Shutterstock

Seductive Dressing starts from within

There’s an undeniably powerful thing about wearing lingerie that makes you feel amazing. The same way, wearing an outfit that turns heads is connected to your mind. It can be a little black dress that you haven’t worn in a while or a brand-new lace set. The seductive feeling starts with how you feel wearing the clothes on your skin. Even if no one else sees it, you are the one who feels the difference. Feeling good in your outfit radiates confidence, so it’s not about the look but the attitude that comes with it.

Go for your fantasies

What are your deepest fantasies? There’s no better time than now to go fulfill them. It can be something adventurous that you’ve always wanted, or it can be a more spontaneous side of yourself. Try to get lost in the moment and see how liberating you’re going to find it. There’s nothing more sexy than going for what excites you, letting go of inhibitions, and following your desires. Let your fantasies come to life and give yourself permission to have fun with them.

Fake it till you make it?

Sometimes confidence comes with just acting your part. If you feel nervous or unsure, keep pretending you’re the most confident and sexy person in the room until you actually start to believe it.

Don’t be too shy to make eye contact with an attractive man. Hold your head high, shoulders back, and have the attitude that says you belong here.

Ask for that promotion, as you know it’s already yours. Real confidence will kick in, and you will be surprised by how quickly it happens when you start acting your part.

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Sexy is the attitude, not perfection

One of the best lessons coming with age is realizing that sexiness is not about the perfect body, but about the energy you bring and the beauty you create, both with others and with yourself.

Having the right attitude is everything, so when you feel sexy in your mind, this naturally flows into your whole persona, no matter the size, shape, or social standards. Sexy is about knowing and owning yourself, and your uniqueness, and expressing it confidently.

Enhance your sleep experience with this Women’s V Neck Sleeveless Nightgown that will help you connect with your beauty.

Read next: 12 Phrases That Show Lack of Emotional Intelligence

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