6 Essential Needs Men Have in Marriage

These essential needs men have in marriage might make you change your attitude towards your husband!

In most articles about relationships, marriages, divorce, and so on, everyone is focused mostly on what the feminine side wants. But isn’t it about what both partners want in a healthy and happy marriage? Isn’t it about communication, love, understanding, and mutual respect?

Marriage can be hard and is not always sunshine and rainbows; sometimes you will laugh together until your bellies ache and make love like there is no tomorrow, and a couple of days later, you might find yourselves a bit upset with each other. It’s likely because both of you had a tough day, and things got a little heated.

In the following lines, we will talk about the needs men have in marriage because for many men this commitment is very different from what they initially thought it would be. No matter how long you’ve been married, remember that you should never take your spouse for granted. Both of you must be honest and open toward communication.

essential needs men have in marriage
Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

He needs to feel like he makes a difference in your life

You’ve probably been married for a long while now, maybe ten or more years since you vowed you would be by each other’s side no matter what. But something happened, and you feel like there is a huge gap between us. This can happen to even the best of us, but how you handle the issue is even more important.

One of the needs men have in marriage is to feel like their life is better with him in it. It sounds cheesy and corny, I know, but even if they don’t show it, men can be emotional (and needy!) too.

To show your husband that he matters, try to be more supportive and more present. It may be hard at first, especially if you already started growing apart, but if you both want the marriage to work out, it’s mandatory to try it.

Every time he does something for you, no matter if he is doing chores, spending time with you, or bringing you a small something at the end of the workday to show you he cares, try and do the same.

Compliment him and tell him how much you love having him in your life. It takes just a moment, but it might be the thing he wants to hear after a long and stressful day.

He loves it when you laugh at his jokes

It might sound silly, but one of the needs men have in marriage is to know you’re still laughing at his jokes. Do you think your husband is funny, but you are usually engaged with something else and do not even giggle as you used to? Or do you just smile politely and go on? Or does your spouse’s sense of humor irritate you so much that it’s not funny at all?

You simply aren’t reacting as loudly as you used to in the past because you are used to his sense of humor if you still find him funny. If he irritates you, remember that everything that initially drew you to someone—such as their humor—can also be the thing that drives you away.

Tell your husband you think he’s funny by laughing with him. If you think he’s funny, let him know it, but don’t act like it. The fact that he can still do something positive for you when you’re upset will cheer him up!

He wants you to not take things personally

This is important for everyone, but it’s particularly relevant for women because we often take things that aren’t directly personal. We’re all humans and sometimes we may forget things because we’re too stressed, or preoccupied with something at work (or even at home) and this isn’t the end of the world.

One of the needs men have in marriage is that their wives stop telling them things like, “If you loved me, you would have remembered to do X thing.” Avoid assuming that your husband’s behavior indicates how much he loves you. You and your partner will only experience more suffering than is necessary if you do this.

Instead, express how you feel about what happened and discuss ways to resolve the issues together. Consider couples therapy; it’s a positive step that can help you develop healthier habits in your marriage.

He needs you to make him feel like a man

We’re living in times in which both men and women have well-paid jobs and in case of divorce, they can both live separately decently. But hey a man wants to feel like a man even if it’s once in a while! Don’t diminish their strength of carrying those shopping bags even if you can carry three in one hand. Let him be and feel useful.

They want their strength or height to make them feel needed. Because they are so dedicated to their workouts, they want you to enjoy the results. Their goal is for you to want them to look after you. At least occasionally, they want to feel as though they are the center of your attention. If you do this, you will be making his day and maybe his night too…

Photo by AshTproductions from Shutterstock

He wants to be respected

The most important thing is for your husband to feel valued and appreciated. “Of course, I respect him,” you might say, but consider it. Really?

What can a woman do to show respect for her spouse and reassure him that she views him as an equal, not a child? Firstly, despite your desire to be in charge of everything, let him make his own decisions and avoid becoming angry when things don’t work out the way you had hoped. No one enjoys receiving constant criticism.

He wants you to desire him

Every woman is aware that men have intense cravings because they somehow function differently than us when it comes to intimacy. They frequently yearn for closeness and become irritated when their spouses refuse them.

One of the essential needs men have in marriage is that they want their wives to actively express a desire to spend time with them. Instead of viewing intimate moments as yet another duty, they want their wives to initiate them and enjoy spending time with them.

Sadly, women may become less motivated to show that kind of affection or forget to do so as marriages progress. Therefore, try and be more mindful of how frequently you touch your husband. His sense of love can be affected by small, meaningful gestures throughout the day, and they may even reignite your feelings of intimacy.

Do you and your spouse have trouble communicating? Are you sick and discouraged from fighting and arguing with your spouse every time you try to talk to them? Shouting, yelling, rage, frustration, and resentment. Without question, it can be too much to handle.

You are not alone in this situation, but if you cannot afford couple therapy, there are other things you can do. You can get help from the paperback edition of Communication in Marriage: How to Communicate with Your Spouse Without Fighting (Better Marriage Series), which is sold on Amazon. Purchase your copy of this book for just $9.97.

Related article: 6 Telltale Signs of a Happy and Long-Lasting Marriage

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