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8 Body Language Signs Saying He’s Not That Into You

Decode what he’s saying with these body language signs!

We’ve all been through it: You’re excited because you’ve met someone new and can’t wait to get to know them better. It could be someone you were introduced to at a social event or that guy from the coffee shop.

You chat and laugh together, and everything seems to be going nicely. But all of a sudden, a nagging feeling creeps up on you. Is he just being polite, or does he actually like me?

We all know that words can be deceiving, and sometimes, people don’t want to be honest to your face when they don’t like you. But our bodies, more often than not, give us away.

Even when trying to hide our true feelings, there are certain body language signs that can provide subtle hints.

So, if you’ve ever wondered whether that guy is really into you, it might be time to look at the following 8 non-verbal cues to answer the age-old question… Is he REALLY into you?

Body Language Sign
Photo by – Yuri A at Shutterstock

Doesn’t face you directly

Think about the times you’ve been engaged in a conversation. You’re facing the person, inclining a bit towards them, hanging onto every word, right?

If a man consistently positions himself so he’s not facing you directly, that can be a body language sign about his feelings towards you. By not fully turning to you, he may be signaling that he’s not fully engaged in the exchange. Direction matters significantly in communication.

While he might not be doing it intentionally, the direction in which we position ourselves can reveal much about our interest level. If he constantly seems to be ready to head in another direction, you should probably take the hint.

Never asks you any personal questions

As humans, we’re naturally curious creatures, especially around those we’re interested in. So, what does it mean when he seldom asks personal questions about you?

This body language sign could indicate a lack of genuine interest in getting to know you and understanding you better. Connecting involves understanding one another’s dreams, lives, and fears. Personal questions help bridge this familiarity.

Without them, your bond pretty much stays surface-level. There’s a vast ocean of things to discover about the person you’re in a relationship with.

By not diving in to understand more, he might be missing out on your best qualities. And while everyone has their own pace, consistently avoiding deeper topics can be a red flag.

He avoids eye contact

You’re conversing with him, and there’s an apparent absence of eye contact. Some folks are naturally shy, but consistent avoidance of eye contact can be a huge body language sign indicating something’s off. We already know that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

So when someone avoids looking into yours, they might be trying to hide their intentions and emotions. Now, not you shouldn’t overthink every glance or lack of it.

But take note if every conversation with this person seems like he’s looking over your shoulder or searching for a spot on the wall. This lack of connection can signify a lack of discomfort or interest. There’s also a flip side, though.

Sometimes, people avoid eye contact because they’re trying to hide a lie or are nervous. So, while it’s a significant clue, it’s important to consider the overall context and any other cues he might be sending your direction.

His feet point away from you

Believe it or not, feet usually point toward attractive or exciting things. Contrarily, feet that always point away suggest a lack of interest or comfort. Here’s the thing: While our conscious minds may control what we say, our subconscious minds reveal our body language.

So, even if he’s saying all the proper things, his feet might suggest a body language sign of a different story. Next time you’re together, take a casual glimpse down.

If those feet consistently face somewhere else, especially towards a door, he might not be as committed to the moment as you would’ve hoped.

Body Language Sign
Photo by shisu_ka at Shutterstock

Frequently forgets the things you tell him

You’re talking to him about a family event, a job interview, or even your favorite coffee spot. But the next time it comes up, he has no idea what you’re talking about. That’s a body language sign that he may not be the one for you.

Not remembering things you’ve privately shared with him can be frustrating. And yes, it makes you wonder: Is he even paying attention to me? Sharing personal stories and other details about your lives is a way to connect.

It’s a piece of trust that’s willingly handed over to another human being. So when these details are ignored or entirely forgotten, it feels like that trust has been brushed to the side. Of course, everyone forgets things every once in a while.

But there’s a line between occasional oversight and a consistent habit of forgetfulness. So look out for this body language sign.

He frequently checks his phone or watch when he’s with you

He’s with you, but his attention seems somewhere else. Every few minutes, his eyes dart to his phone or watch. These distractions could be a body language sign that he wishes to be someplace else.

Being present and engaged in a conversation usually means putting distractions aside. If he’s constantly checking the time, he may be waiting for the moment he can leave or move on to another arrangement.

All you get are short replies

Have you ever sent a long, heartfelt message only to get a one-word answer as a reply? We get it, that can hurt. Short and curt replies usually indicate a lack of interest. So watch out for this body language sign. Conversations are like a two-way street.

When someone’s into you, they’ll be glad to keep the conversation flowing. Obviously, we all have hectic days. But there’s a difference between being short because of a busy schedule and consistently giving minimal replies.

In the latter scenario, the willingness to communicate simply isn’t there. Imagine sharing your day or pouring your feelings to someone, hoping for a meaningful exchange.

Repeatedly getting short answers can feel like you’re talking to a brick wall. Who wants that? So be on the lookout for this negative body language sign.

He always has a closed-off posture

He’s keeping his legs crossed. His arms are firmly folded. He seems to be physically guarding himself from the world and, unfortunately, from you too.

This body language sign subtly indicates that he isn’t interested in deepening your relationship or he’s not feeling a connection. Open body language, when the arms are relaxed and posture is inviting, typically indicates interest and comfort.

On the other hand, a defensive posture can imply the opposite. It might be a tell-tale sign if he looks like he’s setting boundaries, even if it’s subtle.

Body Language Sign
Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

The bottom line

Well, there you have it, folks! These are the main body language signs indicating that he’s not into you. Let’s keep in mind, though, that everyone behaves differently, and these clues are just general tips.

Just because he isn’t making lots of eye contact all the time doesn’t mean he’s not interested in your relationship. He could just be a shy person. But if you notice many of these body language signs repeatedly, it should make you stop and think.

The secret is to trust your gut and how you feel. Don’t be discouraged if someone doesn’t share the same feelings. After all, it’s all a part of life’s journey.

The right person will come along, and when they do, both body language and words will reveal it clearly. Stay confident, trust your gut, and don’t forget that you deserve someone who truly values you for who you are.

If you feel the relationship is worth saving, you might be interested in this Couples Therapy Workbook from Amazon!

We hope you found this article on body language signs informative. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the matter in the comments section below.

And if you’d like some more relationship tips, we highly recommend you also read: 8 Taboo Relationship Practices That Can Actually Benefit Your Union

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