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These 7 Lies Can Destroy ANY Marriage, Experts Say

Photo by Inside Creative House from Shutterstock

Lie #2: “My happiness is the most important thing.”

I’ve heard many people say, “God just wants me to be happy. I have to do this,” meaning they try to justify breaking up their marriages. In fact, most people think this way nowadays. But according to God’s Word, a spouse’s personal fulfillment and individuality aren’t the purpose of marriage.

As the Bible says in Colossians 3:17, no matter what you do, in word or deed, do it all for the glory of God. While every part of creation is to praise the name of the Lord Jesus, mankind was made in God’s very image. Therefore, through marriage, spouses have to reflect His character.

A marriage is always bound to have its hard moments, but you have to be there for each other and at least try. Every marriage has conflict. Every marriage knows unhappiness. But everyone can be happy in their marriage by not forgetting God’s purposes.

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One Response

  1. I’ve been married 57 years to the love of my life. We met on a blind dinner date. Why does my marriage work? I make the major decisions with her approval. One person is dominant in a marriage. It could be either. Some people are good at decision making while others are not. She was and still is “my dream girl.” We are now in our 80’s and I’d remarry her again in an instant. She was so cute my parents thought she was marrying me for my money, not that I had so much. I’m a strong personality and she is laid back. Knowing yourself is the best way to find a mate. Don’t overlook the others faults or your own. Everyone has them and if they are glaring don’t fool yourself into believing that it will work out. People don’t change. Always remember the reasons you married and appreciate one another. She was and still is my dream girl!

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