1. If their friends are h*t and cute
We start off our list of things your partner should never find out by saying that it’s totally normal to think that there are people outside of your relationship who you consider to be cute and maybe even h*t. In some cases, the person you might find attractive could actually be your partner’s friend.
While it’s not that big of a deal to have those certain feelings, given the fact that it doesn’t make you less in love with your significant other, it might be better to put this piece of information along with the other things your partner should never find out!
The reason I advise you to do so isn’t because this is considered cheating, but because it’s only an insignificant attraction that might make your SO so upset, concerned, angry with that specific person, and even disappointed in you. Keep this one for yourself! Of course, as long as it’s only something funny, nothing serious and potentially dangerous for your relationship!