8 Things Your Partner Should Never Find Out!

things your partner should never find out
Photo by fizkes from shutterstock.com

3. Good things about exes

Okay, while we’re on the subject of the (E)X-file, don’t think about opening it because it’s like opening the Pandora box. It’s normal to talk to the person you love about other things that you experienced in your love life—what was the reason you broke up with other people you’ve been with—but that’s it, end of the conversation.

Maybe there were some things that you liked better about your former lover, but pointing them out to your new lover is not going to bring you closer or make you any happier.

Instead of complaining that your actual SO should do more of these and less of that, you should focus your time and attention on the things that you have and get more involved in what makes you happy and fulfilled in your new one, rather than comparing the two.

There are many other things your partner should never find out, so click on the next page to read more!

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