A recent survey shows that 20% to 40% of U.S. marriages have encountered at least one instance of infidelity. And this is more than sad. Even though a lot of the cheating partners forgave their spouses and agreed to continue the marriage for the sake of the kids, in most cases, infidelity had already broken the bond and damaged the relationship pretty badly.
Anxiety, despair, trauma, trust issues, feelings of shame and guilt, as well as social isolation, are possible effects of infidelity, and of course, this is another crucial reason why marriages don’t last anymore.
The process of rebuilding trust in the marriage after there’s been some damage is tricky. But with the help of a counselor, it can be saved. If money is an issue and you don’t have the necessary amount to pay a therapist to help you, this book might do the job. The Courage to Stay: How to Heal From an Affair and Save Your Marriage is written by the Ph.D. Kathy Nickerson talks about healing in marriages. After all, there might be some light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s better if you discover it together!
Equality is non-existent
While society may trap us into believing that men are equal to women and vice versa, this is 100% wrong. In a contemporary marriage, both partners are expected to work hard. However, the traditional married couple stereotype is still prevalent in many households. So, is marriage a love-based, equal partnership?
Unfortunately, marriage tends to be a legitimate business. And early indicators of inequality in a marriage may include having one person make all the choices or applying different standards to each partner. What do you think about this particular statement? Can this be included in the list of reasons why marriages don’t last anymore?
Religious differences
Finding common ground may be difficult if you and your spouse hold different values and religious opinions. Early on in a relationship, if your spouse makes fun of or mocks your faith, or if they try to convert you despite your apparent indifference, it might be a sign of future problems. Pay attention to these “small” details before going straight into marriage and above everything else make sure your future husband/wife is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Otherwise…
Before leaving, make sure you check out this article: 7 Ways Love Changes Over Time in Marriage. Maybe it will change the way you feel about everything right now!