Sorry, Your Husband May Secretly Hate You (7 Signs)

photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

6. When you spend time together, he doesn’t seem very engaged in the activity

If your husband still spends time with you when you ask him to, but he doesn’t seem to have fun, that’s another issue! For some people, spending time together means that you eventually end up being intimate. For example, if your husband and you sit in your bedroom and he stops showing affection and doesn’t even try to initiate intimacy, then it clearly shows that he is no longer interested in you physically.

However, if your normally cheerful husband stops cracking jokes or acting silly and you are the one acting clownish instead, it’s very likely he doesn’t really enjoy your company, which is one of the warning signs he might not be attracted to you anymore.

7. He never misses you when you’re gone!

You were away visiting family in another city for nearly two weeks. You get home, and while you’re super excited to see and kiss your husband, he doesn’t even react when you try to approach him after you enter the door. And he glances at you more with annoyance and something like “Ugh, she came home to invade my personal space!” than with welcome.

Just like you would be if he had been away from town for a few days, you assumed that he would be happy to see you. In this case, your presence might affect him and put him in a position where he has to pretend he is OK with you being around again.

Bottom line

Everybody says that women have the 7th sense and that our intuition is one of a kind. And it’s true! Every time we feel like there is something wrong in our relationship or marriage, we have a strong reason to believe that. In most cases, it proves to be exactly as we thought. But, before you jump to conclusions, have a serious discussion with your husband or partner to find out what’s wrong and why they’ve suddenly changed their attitude.

Do you agree with these warning signs? Have you ever been through a rough patch in your marriage? Tell us in the comments. We love hearing from our readers!

…psst! And before closing the page, make sure you also check out this informative article as well!

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11 responses

  1. I read an excerpt from the book recommended at the beginning of the article and was disappointed. The therapist who wrote the book seemed to want people who have been betrayed to trust again. If the person who you believe betrayed you still denies and deflects your suspicions, I don’t see how trust can be rebuilt.

  2. she said “I married you because you liked to talk”. Then started to shut me down, take over the relationship, chase me away. Then says “what happened”? Get in trouble when I open my mouth. I don’t open my mouth to her anymore. I HATE control freaks, in my house AND in gov’t. I will NOT die a slave

  3. Absolutely Agree 💯 going through all these obstacles currently its heartbreaking don’t know what is what anymore sadly ….

  4. Ever think it’s consequences of her past and or current actions. Relationships are a two way street, once one verse off course then why should the other remain?
    This is why there’s so many issues with relationships now and days. The OUTSIDE “INFLUENCES” and an individual’s poor choices or judgement. Plus the victimization is not only disgusting in a social false sense, but it’s generally from only ONE SIDED VIEWPOINT.

  5. My wonderful significant other lives in Missouri and I live in Nevada. He recently decided that he wants us to live together. H sold his house, one of his three cars and everything in his house, except a few things that have special meaning to him. Everything is amazing between us but I am so afraid of something changing, he tells me that he also is very happy. We both lost our spouses, mine 16 years ago and his 17 months ago. We are both in our 80’s, have considerable assets and children. He wants to get married but I cannot commit. Do not want any problems with children when one of us passes. He is everything I want in a partner

  6. A lot of the time it’s because she’s not around and finds her “friends” are more important to please than her other half. Or she is more concerned with what others think while blowing off those she should call family. It’s not always one way, try viewing it from both sides before passing judgement.

  7. I find it fascinating, more times than not, it’s always the Husband who is no lobger interested &/or no longer in love with their respective spouses; when it’s women are more likely to file for divorce than men. In the United States, studies have found that women initiate about 69% to 70% of divorces.
    And since, over 50% of divorced wives never want to remarry while only about 30% of men express that same sentiment; it’s fairly clear (statistically speaking), women in their respective 1st marriages are the problem –yet journalist consistently opine, it’s the Husband who’s the problem &/or falls out of interest/love –the numbers speak for themselves regarding 1st marriages

  8. I have experienced these 7 signs and I am not a woman. Therefore, this applies to men as well.

  9. Husband didn’t come home after work. He would hang out at his favorite bar. Were there other women? I don’t know but suspected there was. We had 2 children and I was afraid to leave for fear I couldn’t support them and myself. Later things got better. I told his Mother and she said “Oh, he is just like his father.”

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