When you are with them, it feels just like home
No matter where you might be right now, being with your soulmate simply feels like home. First, you have this unmistakable feeling of true comfort and ease when they are around you. You spend a lot of time together, and it makes you feel at peace.
At first, you might have some butterflies and nerves, but as you get to know and learn about each other in this relationship, it just feels completely natural. That’s when you know you’ve met your soulmate: you finally don’t feel the need to rush, there’s no anxiety anymore, and you wish to feel like this for the rest of your lives. It feels like home.
You have plenty of empathy for them
When they fail at something in their lives (and trust me, it’s completely normal to happen every now and then) you feel as if you’ve failed yourself, because, in a very hard-to-explain way, you feel each other’s feelings.
Seeing them upset about something also upsets you, and the other way around. But this doesn’t apply only to bad times: you also share each other’s happiness. And on top of that, no one is more proud of their significant other than you are.
When they succeed, nothing makes you happier. You feel the need to celebrate as if you’ve achieved something yourself because you both want to share the good and the bad moments together.