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Is Your Spouse Hiding Something from You? Here Are 5 Signs!

is your spouse hiding something from you
Photo by ingkaninant from Shutterstock

1. There is no emotional intimacy

When they say intimacy, most people think just about physical intimacy, but this is not the right mindset. Intimacy is a concept that can reach far beyond the physical realm, and this is why the term “emotional intimacy” is a thing.

Now, the question that bothers all of us is the following: Is your spouse hiding something from you? And also, what does intimacy have to do with it?

Well, intimacy, especially emotional intimacy, is something that you will feel like it is starting to lack more and more once your partner is hiding things from you. Many times, people who are lying are becoming more emotionally distant, and this is something that is easily noticeable.

If you feel like you can’t talk with your partner about anything you want, this is a clear indication that the emotional intimacy between the two of you is somehow off. In a marriage, you should be able to tell your spouse about your deepest thoughts, and if you feel like this is not possible anymore, then something might not be working the way it is supposed to.

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