Is Your Spouse Hiding Something from You? Here Are 5 Signs!

is your spouse hiding something from you
Photo by ADragan from Shutterstock

2. Is your spouse hiding something from you? Are they making plans without you?

You two used to do everything together. From shopping and groceries to vacations and traveling, you were always there for one another. And even if you are not the kind of couple that is together all the time and is doing everything in two, you still used to have common plans.

But if you notice that out of the blue, your loved one makes a lot of plans and none of them includes you, then this might be a warning signal. Why are they acting like this? Is there a hidden reason? Is your partner hiding something from you?

There might be a lot of factors that make them act like this, and this is the reason you should talk with them about what bothers you. But lying to you about something can also be one of them – one of the reasons they are different and making plans without you.

It’s perfectly OK for your partner to spend time alone or with friends, but if this behavior appears out of the ordinary, it can be worth bringing it up with your partner.

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