Relationship Deal-Breakers: 6 Things You Should Never Accept From Someone

sociopath love is blind, relationship deal-breakers
Image By fizkes From Shutterstock

6. You feel like you have to pretend

I can’t choose which one of these relationship deal-breakers is the worst, but certainly, this one is no good. Speaking of bad things, do you feel like you have to pretend that you’re someone else each time you’re with your partner? Or maybe you have the impression that whatever you say or do won’t make them happy, so you’re constantly second-guessing yourself.

Whatever it might be, if you prefer to tell them exactly what they want to hear rather than being your authentic self, it is going to cause severe problems that could potentially lead to a breakup.

Being in a relationship where you have to fake your interests, hold back on your thoughts, and not act as you feel will make you unhappy sooner than you think, and there’s no need to waste your time with someone.

These relationship deal-breakers are here for a reason: to help you decide what you want from a relationship and to not settle for anything less than what makes you happy.

If you’re looking for an easy and fun way to connect with your partner on a deeper level and maybe solve these relationship deal-breakers, I recommend you check out this game, because it might be useful.

Did you find this article about relationship deal-breakers useful? If yes, leave a comment below and let us know! If you liked this article and you want to read something else from Detangle Love, here’s another amazing post for you to check out next: Expert Relationship Insights: 8 Things You SHOULDN’T Share With Your Partner

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