They cannot remember ONLY what you told them!
A partner who never listens can also take the form of someone somehow forgetting what you told them. Anything else they seem to remember, but what you two have discussed seems to not be on their mind at any point. This is a clear sign that your partner never listens, and you should be more careful about what goes on, as you may need help or just want to move on from your partner.
You may think that we are being a bit harsh. But when it comes to partners who never listen to what we have to say, they can remember family and friends’ birthdays and important dates like anniversaries if they never forget any work dates and promotion dinners, but when they forget what you told them yesterday time and time again, it is bad. It is not a sign that they are forgetful; it is a sign they are not listening to you and, frankly, that they do not respect you.