8 Taboo Relationship Practices That Can Actually Benefit Your Union

Taboo Relationship Practice
Photo by wavebreakmedia at Shutterstock

Taboo relationship practice: Sleeping in separate beds

It’s a popular opinion that to have a healthy connection, you MUST spend the night spooning your partner in bed, especially if you live together. But the world is slowly discovering that that’s actually false.

If you’re the type of person who needs some space at night to roll around and sleep like a starfish, that’s ok. Or you might be bleary-eyed from being kept awake all night by a snoring partner, and that’s not great for your health. So it makes perfect sense to sleep separately.

Many couples are having what’s jokingly called a “sleep divorce,” where they sleep separately. For these people, having that private space enhances their relationship and quality of sleep. So, if this works for you and your spouse, grab your pillows and go.

And you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. Sleeping in separate beds or bedrooms is only a concern due to something negative.

If you’re sleeping in separate bedrooms because you don’t want to be intimate with your loved one, for instance, then you have a problem, says a clinical psychologist.

But what if it’s mutually agreeable? Does sleeping separately make you both satisfied? If it’s strengthening your bond, then it’s NOT taboo.

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