1. Both of you run out of positive things to say to each other
Studies suggest that people are generally able to overlook when their partner is insensitive, but if this happens constantly, it is not a good sign, and after a while, one of the partners will not be happy about it.
External factors that are stressful might make individuals only see the negative part of the relationship, and this is not the best thing that can happen. In our case, the stressful factor is this boredom that took over your marriage.
You no longer feel at home when you are with them. Even more, you feel withdrawal and hostility. This is one of the signs of a boring marriage, and as soon as you notice it, you should start thinking about what caused it.
Your partner’s behaviors, which you once thought were lovely, now bother or anger you every time you are with them. This is a clear sign that this is happening, and whenever you feel the emotion, it is time to address it with your spouse.