Do they make you a priority?
A relationship is a mutual agreement between you and your significant other. And when your partner makes you a priority, that is a nonverbal love expression that makes them feel good and shows how they feel about you without them even saying a word.
When they put you at the top of their to-do list, it keeps your relationship functioning in a healthy, constructive manner because the goal is to grow together. Being attentive and committed is the best feeling for you and your loved one.
Do they nurse you back to health?
Life can sometimes throw a few curve balls to test one’s strength. And even though you might have the power to overcome broken limbs, the flu, or surgery, the recovery time always seems to go much smoother when you have a “nurse” by your side.
So, when you’re grumpy because you have a stuffy nose and your partner brings you soup, isn’t that a fantastic nonverbal love expression they have towards you? Be sure to thank them, and hopefully, you can return the gesture when they’re under the weather.
In fact, the next timeĀ your significant other catches the sniffles, make them some Keha Wellness Organic Immunity Herbal Tea, and you’ll be nursing them back to health in no time!
Now that you’ve read through all these nonverbal love expressions, think back on your relationship. Has your loved one displayed any signs of love for you rather than muttering those three little words? If so, you’ve got a keeper…Hang on tight!
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