Have you been paying attention to these nonverbal love expressions?
I love you!… We’ve all grown to know those three words as the best way to express our care for another living being. Saying them is the most straightforward and common way of showcasing your care and affection.
But love doesn’t always come in the form of words. Usually, appreciation can be expressed through nonverbal love expressions for your significant other. Yet, we might miss the cues. This especially applies to those who have been together for many years.
We’ve all heard the saying: Actions speak louder than words, right? That’s because showing someone you love them holds more weight than a simple one-liner of those three magical words.
Memories are what you typically keep close to your heart the longest when thinking about acts of love. You tend to remember how someone makes you feel rather than what they actually say.
So, while words may leave an impact, actions will leave a bigger footprint. Here are 10 nonverbal love expressions that can indicate how your partner feels about you, and you may not have noticed it.