1. Respect
I know what you might be thinking: understandably, everyone wants to be respected, so why is this considered one of the things men want but don’t talk about? First of all, men and women have different feelings regarding what respect means.
Think about those times when you complain about how your day went and what problems you currently have. Men typically have a problem-solving attitude, and they might start offering solutions right away.
On the other hand, you probably don’t want him to take care of your problems for you, but you want him to listen. The moment you tell him you don’t need his help (of course, that depends on what tone you use), he might feel disrespected and unappreciated.
Even though that was the last thing you meant, our wonderful male partners often perceive respect, love, and appreciation differently than we do. If you disapprove of their thoughts, ideas, actions, or style, they might take it personally and find it challenging to share their thoughts with you.
Of course, you don’t have to walk on eggshells during every conversation, but you need to be honest with your man. Tell him calmly and beautifully that you appreciate his input, but know that you simply want to vent. See how things go from there because it might save you a communication error.
3 responses
I love the articles
Not enough blatant honesty. How about incredibly great lovemaking, and I mean in every way? It’s two ways there, but most women I’ve been with prefer receiving, and that gets old sometimes.
Women I’ve been with seem to just receive lovemaking than to give equally. Not enough blatant honesty in this article.