9. They always find your jokes funny
I don’t know what you think, but for me, being funny is one of the most attractive things about someone. However, nobody’s good at telling jokes, but when someone wants to flirt with you, they will laugh at your jokes no matter what.
If you’re out with a group of friends and that special someone and you tell a joke that the group finds strange, but that one person laughs and looks very lovely at you, that’s a clear sign that they’re flirting with you.
This means that when they’re into you, they want to hear what you really have to say and will listen to you, even if you tell a bad joke. They’ll laugh because they want to make you feel good and appreciated, which is very sweet if you ask me.
If you don’t know how to flirt, I know exactly what tool to use so you can learn: books. In this one, for example, you’ll learn everything you need to know about love and flirting in general, and you’ll also understand how to read your special someone.
…Do you have some special flirting skills? I want to hear all about them, so leave a comment down below and share all your secrets with the rest of our readers!
…Have you ever wondered if people around you find you very appealing or not? I have all the answers for you right here! All you need to do is click on this link and read it: 12 Signs That You Are More Attractive Than You Realize!
10 responses
What if you are blind and can’t see them.
If someone is flirting with you, they may ask you if you think their fragrance smells nice. That way you’ll lean into them and take a whiff 🤣
I remember a life time of friends doing all of these body movements, plus facial expressions, and teasing me. They all made me feel uncomfortable and I would ignore them, because I didn’t understand. As I an old man and living alone, I would say this all makes sense. I would give a lot of praise to this article.
This is cute teen age play day. Who takes this serious? This would do way better in a teen magazine. If you are so insecure you need constant attention? and you are an adult >?Think about this! Will this person be a good partner? In a life long relationship? Think about it before you jump. How long before it is tiresome and you look around again?
So true
Some long stare in your eyes can be creepy and a warning sign. Take this with a grain of salt. beware of actions? Make sure you don’t make wrong choice. This is also a way to play a person.
Red flag on this? What do they want from you? What is real or fake? Can you do this forever? If not what happens to relationship? Do your friends fine this strange?
This is a true show of attraction to you. I trust this one! A Lot of people don’t know this one. It is sort of unconscious attraction. They may not know this. I think it could be pure.
I would like to know if Brandon is interested in me