How to avoid the ‘gray divorce’ and stay in your marriage
If you want to avoid a “gray divorce,” you need to talk seriously with your spouse. You’ll be able to cope differently with life’s challenges if you manage to stay connected and grow together. Like many other women after 50, I’ve also asked myself what I can do to save my marriage. Here are some of the most important tips I have:
Remember what made you fall in love with your partner?
When you’ve lived with someone for many years, in some cases, you simply stop seeing their positive qualities. Instead, you start focusing on all the things they do that annoy or disappoint you.
But Jane Greer, Ph.D., a New York City-based marriage and family therapist and the author of many books about healthy relationships advised us to remember what was the first thing that made us fall in love with our spouse. If you decide to actively remember what made you fall head over heels for your spouse and how they made you feel, you might manage to rekindle the desire and excitement.