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10 Ways to Heal After Your Spouse’s Death

spouse's death
Photo by Gladskikh Tatiana from Shutterstock

Be more tolerant of your physical and emotional limits

Your feelings of loss and sadness might leave you tired, and it’s only natural. Your ability to think clearly and make the right decision could be impaired. Also, your low energy level might naturally slow down.

You have to respect what your body needs and wants, allow yourself to rest, eat balanced meals, and lighten your schedule as much as you can. Am I treating myself better or worse than I would treat a friend?

Am I being too hard on myself? You might think you should do more, be more, work more, and “get over” your grief faster. But that’s not fair: you shouldn’t pressure yourself into any of those things.

Take your time with your spouse’s personal belongings

You are the only one who can decide when it’s the right time to say goodbye to your spouse’s clothes and other personal belongings. Don’t force yourself to go through any of those things if you are not ready.

Right now, you might not have the needed energy or desire to do anything, so don’t rush. Keep in mind that some might try to measure your healing by how quickly you are ready to give up on things, and you shouldn’t let them make that kind of decision for you.

So what if you want to leave your spouse’s belongings just where they are? Give yourself time.

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