You might be curious whether he’s into you or not. Let’s find out together!
Let’s face this: people tend to say that women are hard to read, but men aren’t that simple either. Knowing for sure whether someone likes you for real or not is pretty difficult, and since we’re fully grown adults, we don’t have time for games.
One of my friends recently told me that she started seeing someone; they’ve been on several dates, but she’s still not sure whether he likes her or not. There are days in a row when they don’t communicate at all (not even a good night text); they do make plans with one another, but they don’t spend time in the bedroom. I don’t know how this seems to you, but I believe there are some mixed feelings here.
Of course, the easiest way to find out whether he’s into you or not is to, well, ask him. However, I know that’s not always an option, so if you’re in the same situation as my friend (Lucy, this one’s for you), keep reading, because I know some surefire ways to discover whether he’s into you or not. Let the love adventure begin!