1. He makes plans
If he’s into you, he’ll make time to see you. Believe me. Not only that, but he’ll also ask you when he can see you again, and he’ll start making plans. It doesn’t have to be something fancy, like a dinner date (though if he wants to treat you, who are you to say no?), but a man who wants to see you again and assures you about their intentions will treat you like a priority.
2. He supports your interests
Let me set this record straight here: if he’s into you, he’ll pay attention to what you say, what you like, and what you don’t. For instance, if you love music, he’ll bring up the conversation when you’re together so that he can listen to you talk about your passion. To show you how interested he is in you, he might suggest going together to a concert or asking you for music recommendations.
This is only an example, but the idea behind it is that when someone’s attracted to you, they will show it and make you feel heard. If things are getting serious between you two, he might even help you take your passion to the next level, whatever your interest might be. These small but important things make a big difference, so pay attention and reciprocate!