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4 Divorce Facts That Everybody Should Know

divorce facts
Photo by Miha Creative from Shutterstock

4. Maybe he is the one who acted the worst, and he is to blame, but this doesn’t mean you will get everything

Let’s talk about money again. We know that we already discussed this, but there are more divorce facts regarding this aspect of a couple’s life. Money is not everything, but for sure, money is something that we all want to have control over. It helps you put yourself back together, especially after getting a divorce.

Following an event like this, it is easy to understand why someone would want to get as much as they can from the family assets, but be aware that things may get a little complicated. Even if your husband cheated on you and treated you poorly, this doesn’t mean that you will get everything after the divorce.

For example, you might expect to get all of it, including sole custody of the child or children, but there are some states that are no-fault states. That means in these states, the judge won’t look at past conduct when giving custody. Some of these states are Arizona, Colorado, Michigan, Tennessee, Washington, Nebraska, Florida, and Hawaii.

A few years ago, there was a woman who finally got 50/50 custody, but because her ex was making less money than her, she had to pay him child support. As you can see, things are not always as we expect them to be, and we should be prepared to face any type of situation.

Also remember that in no-fault states, traditional divorce grounds like adultery, abandonment, or cruelty are not admissible. Additionally, judges are now far less likely to consider things like cheating, even if you reside in a state that does not follow a no-fault model.

If you want to learn more about divorce this book might be a good start: Divorce, Simply Stated (2nd Edition): How to Achieve More, Worry Less and Save Money in Your Divorce 

You should also read: These 7 Lies Can Destroy ANY Marriage, Experts Say

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