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4 Divorce Facts That Everybody Should Know

divorce facts
Photo by LightField Studios from Shutterstock

Here are some divorce facts that everybody should know about. Beware, because the statistics might shock you. First of all, 40 to 50% of marriages and even more than 60% of second marriages will end in divorce. What does this mean? Well, it means that 1 in 2 women who get married will never have their silver wedding anniversary.

So, as you can see, the chances of getting a divorce are pretty high, and we believe that you need to learn how to manage a situation like this. This kind of split is never easy, and most people are not prepared for what comes next after a divorce.

Let’s take a look at some divorce facts that we have from women who have been there, divorce attorneys, family planners, and therapists. Does your vision match theirs?

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