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Is Your Partner Falling Out of Love? (5 Signs)

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Photo by aslysun from Shutterstock

DETANGLE’s Insight


It is the worst thing to start thinking about this. I hope it doesn’t happen to you, but here I am speaking from experience. Not only that, but when I realized this, I also started to see other signs that I hadn’t seen until then. Needless to say, my first marriage was a disaster due to a lot of factors, but realizing he no longer loved me was the first step towards healing and a better future.

Have you been wondering if your partner is falling out of love with you in the last few months?

Did my partner fall out of love with me?” If this has been a question that has been plaguing your thoughts recently, you should not feel bad that it has crossed your mind. After all, if everything had been going well in your relationship, you would not be having these doubts. But if you are not sure if you are overreacting or not, it is a good idea to check for some signs before you jump right into an uncomfortable conversation.

To make sure that you are not grasping at straws, we have gathered some of the biggest red flags when it comes to relationship problems that point toward the possibility that your partner has fallen out of love with you. And if you are not sure that these apply to you 100% but they seem plausible, it is a sign that there may be something going on that you need to address!

Before having a conversation with your partner, make sure you read out the list to find out the most common signs your partner is falling out of love!

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One Response

  1. I’ve been told by six women over the years the love story, the woman factor changes like the weather. “Good for as long as I dig it.” Otherwise, it’s out the door M/F. It’s been my life’s experience that you cannot trust most women. That’s the truth, like it or not. A woman is here today and gone tomorrow. A man may never know what page they are on, surprises always come up. Some of the problem could be the hormone factor, gets uncontrollable, they just go wild and crazy. Start having sex out of their marriage and so on, then act like there’s nothing wrong. “Marriage vows are in fact plain Bull Shit.” I like why waste your time and energy stating vows that are gone tomorrow. My take on it.

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